
Saturday 26 April 2008

Snow Over The Alps

I'm sure this is called a lot of other names but it is a cute little critter I placed in a difficult spot (dry neglected sun spot) to foot at the bottom of my vines over the trellis for the deck .. cool white flowers break up the rather scary root bottoms that are gnarled ? and ancient looking .. dainty white flowers seem comical next to that some how ? another name for this I have found is 'alpine mouse ears" how cute can this get I ask you : )


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hi nancy .. it is a funny little plant .. silver gray foliage means it should put up with a lot of abuse too ! phew !

Anonymous said...

It sure is a cute little flower. It's my opinion that little plants like this will be the next big thing. If it's like many of the other low growing alpinelike plants that find ways to survive in the cracks and crevices of rocks then it must be a tough one. I love the senecios and some of the low suculents because they are so tough. This one looks like it fits in the same group. Email me the name if you figure it out.
Rees Cowden

Viooltje said...

No wonder it's called 'mouse ears'. Just the look of it makes you get a feel of that cuteness...

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Isn't it a cutie Violet ? .. I wasn't too sure of it when I brought it home but now it seems just right .. good on the spot judgement ? LOL

Rees .. I know I have the official name in an earlier post .. I'll send it to you when I dig it up. I think you are right about "mini me" ? LOL plants becoming more and more popular with their tolerance for neglect and abuse ! LOL