Not quite the shape of a moon pie but close ?
January1st, Monday night first one of the new year .
I wanted to wish all the garden bloggers out there (if there are any left because of other platforms consuming them such as instagram etc ...) a Happy New Garden Year when it arrives in your part of the world !!
I'm angry, sad, FRUSTRATED as hell ... but it looks like the end of the season for me till next year. Wednesday morning at 4 AM is when it started .. I woke up half asleep half awake in the middle of a bloody nightmare. Bolted out of bed and crashed into my solid wood nightstand ...
Long story short ... I fractured my humerus bone , sheering it off under the head of the ball that fits in the socket ... so it will be over three months before I can do a real post.
This is the most painful injury I have ever had and the most frustrating ... the garden is coming into prime and I can't work in it .. is Karma trying to tell me something ?
Hope you all stay well and happy in your own gardens !!!