
Monday, 14 June 2010

Blogger question ?

Hi there people .. it is a Monday and I have a "Duh ?" question for Blogger people .. I am trying to find an option which lets me "size" my header picture .. it is way too big and I have been driving myself crazy trying to tone it down to a smaller size .. yet for the life of me I can NOT find an option that will allow me to do that .. not in the old design or the updated one .. help ?? Please ??


Diana Studer said...

Some frightening! I know I did this but how?
OK - get the image trimmed to the right size, save it with a meaningful, to you, name. 'smaller header' then be brave.
Delete existing Too big, and replace with new Smaller.
Let me see, if that works for you.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

You might have to resize it to the correct size you want it before you upload it in your paint shop program etc.(-: Thats the only way I can see how to change it.
Find out how big the lay out is and make the picture that width.
Hope that makes sense.(-:

Diana Studer said...

Did that comment go thru? If so, delete this one!
Trim your image to the desired size, save. Delete the existing header, and replace with the right one.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Joy, if I remember right where you load your header picture there is a box you check that says something like "shrink to xxx pixels" I think if you check that box your picture will be smaller.
I love the header picture though!

Gail said...

Joy, I wish I knew~That's one of the reasons that I haven't changed my template. Do any of your readers know how i can get the photos in posts larger without linking to picasa albums? gail

Jean Campbell said...

I resize my header pics before I upload one to my blog. The header pic you have right now is 807 x 807px.

Resizing can be in a software program (I use PhotoSuite) or as simple as using Windows Photo Gallery in Windows Explorer by clicking on the Fix tab.

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Hey Joy, I resize or crop outside of Blogger (I use Photoscape) and then upload. Love your new pic by the way. Yesterday's image of Morden Sunrise was BEAUTIFUL, I couldn't comment since the 'comment' button was missing on my screen (there were a few 'x's here & there).

Kimberly said...

Oh, Joy, you have asked the question of the year! I've experienced the same problem, to the point of giving up. You're the smarter one by asking the question. I'll definitely check back to find out the answer.

Dave said...

Joy do you have an image editing program on your computer? You can resize the image and see if that helps. Also in blogger there used to be an option when uploading a new picture to "shrink to fit." You can change the picture then re-upload the one you want, just make sure you click the "shrink to fit" option first. If that doesn't help let me know!