
Thursday, 10 June 2010

Frank, the Bloodgood Brother to Fred

I know .. what kind of a nut names her trees .. but hey a gardener can do what ever she likes .. in her garden .. right ?
So ... this is Frank a Bloodgood Japanese Maple .. his name is Frank in honour of a Dutch Librarian I worked with in a NATO library while we lived in the Netherlands .. he was a force to be reckoned with .. extreme dignity and a wicked sense of humour .. as was my library manager .. don't step on Carla's shoes ever ! EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK !!
So .. for $25 and creative imagination stewing away in my hot head ... this will probably be just a temporary home for Frank .. until I think I know of a better site that will accommodate some actual growth .. a youngster has to grow , right ?
Frank has a personality that will blend very well with the garden kids .. he will make friends in no time ! Aside from the many Goldfinches that believe they own the garden and one very evil squirrel I mean to square off with one of these days !
So .. now for Fred ( Japanese Maple 'Red Dragon" ) and his best friend a clematis called Warsaw Nike .. they have loved each other from first sight : )
They tried to pose for me in a very artistic fashion !
Be at "one" with us all who appreciate simple yet complex beauty ?

Hey .. I can philosophize ? if I want to ... it is my post, my plants, my IMAGINATION right ?? !!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

You can do whatever you want to in your garden. They say it is easier to remember names if you name something that corresponds with the object. Very artistic placement of the clematis.

Northern Beauty Seeker said...

I think Frank will fit right into this very friendly garden! :)

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Frank is one hot blooded Canadian boy thats for sure(-: Whooooo Weeeee(-:
He and Ms. Warsaw Nike make a cute couple.
You better keep an eye on them though. They are liable to get tangled up in inappropriate positions.

Barry said...


I envy you..... Japanese maple girl! Frank and Fred shall be very well taken care of in your garden. And what about that stunner of a Clem.... Warsaw Nike. I must remember to add it to the order next time I place one with Maple Leaf Nurseries. I ordered in four or five, saw it on the list but remembered it struggled in the pots on the bench last year...... but then again, what didn't?

Your sidebar photos...... smashingly delicious to say the very least. You have a wonderful eye for composition girlfriend!

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Dear Garden Nut;
Kindred spirits. I name my weirdo plants, too! That Clematis is tres fab. :D

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Great post Joy, your clematis is DIVINE!! I |do see true love in your garden, what stunning companions! :)

Anonymous said...

Darn right, Joy. It's your garden and your blog. Love your little guys and they won't stay little for long, will they?

I love the idea of goldfinches owning the garden. They're quite elusive in these parts.

Deborah at Kilbourne Grove said...

Joy, when i lived in Kingston, I keep a Bloodgood in a pot on my deck. In the fall I just buried the plastic pot in the ground. I did that for all the five years I lived there, and had no problems. I bought a couple more at Loblaws this year as well. they are now on my very shady terrace in Toronto.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Lisa girl thank you ! : )
I don't know what it is with the names .. it just got stuck in my brain and I had to let them out ? LOL .. go figure ?? wink wink

Ms S : )I think Frank might just do very well in my odd collection garden ? : ) Thank you !

Cindee girl : ) that was too funny about inappropriate positions .. you see it happen when the wind starts nudging them together ? LOL

Hello there Barry Boy: ) Thank you so much ! Warsaw took a few years to come to grips with where I managed to plunk it .. but it has started to shine now and YES ! I would recommend it highly , that colour , shape and texture is like pure velvet .. hey come on over and keep the compliments going !! LOL .. wink wink

Kate girl thank you ! I haven't been visiting blogs (same old song and dance) and .. we are supposed to paint the kitchen this weekend since it is supposed to rain .. my computer time has been cut back so much it isn't funny ? LOL
Yup ! we are a couple of nuts ? LOL

Rebecca girl thank you so much : ) I have so many jobs to do and so little time and energy it is driving me bonkers .. a rush of compliments really perks up the spirits though and I appreciate it so much : )

Grace girl .. when they flock in to feed on the two Niger seed feeders .. that glow of yellow gold is amazing and the chatter they do ! In their tiny brains they DO own the garden is too right ! haha

Kyna said...

Philosphize away! If one can't philosophize in their garden blog, where can one philosphize? :D

LOVE the maple and the clematis! I really need to name something now. I've been trying to come up with a name for my house. When we were in Virginia, all of the country houses had names...

Maybe I should start with a tree and work my way up? :)

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Oh my goodness, Joy, I love your new little tree. And only $25? That's amazing! I have Japanese Maple on my list of 'things I want to add to the garden' because I think it's so gorgeous. But I don't know if we'll get to it this year. We did buy a red maple from Canadian Tire that we planted at the end of the yard. It was an adventure getting it home!

I've no doubt that Frank and Fred, and all the other wonderful things growing in your garden, will get along just fine. I'd keep an eye on the coneflowers and daylilies; they can be quite seductive. They're the ones that will get some wild parties going :) So keep a close watch on them...he he he...

Rose said...

I just want to know--are Frank and Fred related?? Frank is going to fit right in to the family here, and I think Frank sounds much nicer, not to mention easier to remember, than some long Latin name:)

Joy, you are really tempting me...I've been looking at some Japanese maples on sale at a really good price lately and just walking by. But after seeing Frank, I may just have to give in and buy one.

our friend Ben said...

Welcome Frank and Fred!!! I am SO jealous of you for that flourishing Henryii... how many times have I planted one only to see it die?! And a golfing gnome, oh my! What do the Boys make of that?!

Carrie said...

I divulged that I talk to my alpines yesterday, I haven't named them but I do talk to them..There is nothing wrong with loving our babies?? Bravo for you for naming your plants, Frank is a lovely tree - say 'hello and welcome' from me x

Anonymous said...

Sure you can name them.
Then you can yell out the door-

"How are you guys doing?"

Now, if they answer, you may have a problem.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Deborah how did you sneak in between these comments girl ! LOL
Isn't Loblaw's fantastic this year for these trees ! and the water garden in a bowl also .. I wonder if they are getting ready for Lowes ?? LOL
Now that sounds like quite a master plan you had .. I think I will keep Frank in the ground .. but wow .. he would have been great on the deck too .. I wonder if I can get another one ??

Kyna girl ! You are too funny : )
Yes I have heard of that thing about names for houses .. or estates .. but I think you should start out with a plant or ..OK .. maybe a tree .. a small tree so you don't get carried away .. so put your thinking cap on girl and lets see what you come up with ? LOL

Martha I have a feeling the trip home with the Maple was a fun one ? LOL .. I thought for sure you would have seen the ad from Loblaws and grabbed a couple of these guys ! ... and you are right about the cone flowers and day lilies .. they are trouble makers from the get go ! hahaha

Rose girl .. run do not walk to your nearest Japanese maple provider and get at least one but I advise at least two to keep each other company in your garden ! You have to have them .. no excuses .. now get one this weekend and I want to know the name you come up with ! ... and yes .. I think Fred and Frank are cousins or so they seem to think themselves ? LOL

OFB .. Pudder hasn't actually been formally introduced to Dave and the gang .. I know .. I feel very guilty about not having a get together party for them .. Pudder is at one end of the deck while Dave and the gang are sort of not ? LOL .. I think the secret to Henryii is lots and lots of water .. I have been especially generous because he is holding hands with Niobe .. maybe you should try one more time ? he is a beauty !

Carrie girl I have to get over to your place and see your alpines ! I caught myself talking to quite a few plants this afternoon .. in the heat of the day I can say I had a bit of sun stroke though ? LOL .. I think it is very good therapy actually and I can never NOT say anything ??? LOL

Sandy girl .. I am laughing here .. now what would really happen if I got an answer ? its too funny to even imagine ?? LOL

Anonymous said...

Miss you!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

knittenkitten !
I'm so sorry I have been scare girl ! .. I'm coming right over .. hang on !!! LOL

Kimberly said...

Frank rocks! The answer to your question...the kind of gardener who loves her garden. Your plants know they're loved and they show it.

Anonymous said...

Frank looks very much at home right where he is. :)

Anonymous said...

Only you would name your trees Fred & Frank, lol! ;) But yes I agree it's your garden so be it. You do crack me up though Joy, thanks for the chuckle. I needed it. ;)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Kimberly girl ! You are so sweet : ) thank you ! .. I am a bit of a nut case when it comes to my garden .. it can border on a love hate cycle a lot of times .. especially when the weather reaches extremes in heat and humidity .. no menopausal woman would stay sane in that stuff !!LOL

Nancy girl I would love to leave Frank alone .. he can be snippy .. so both of us would be happy if he would be able to stay put ? LOL

Racquel girl you are more than welcome .. just come on over and read some posts here with a good cup of java or tea and some good cookies .. you will feel better in no time ? hehehe