
Friday, 18 June 2010

A HUGE blast from the past !

These pictures are from just a few years after we bought our home here.
There was NOTHING here but a single dead tree in the front and in the back garden .. with a sand pit in the corner for the young kids that were here.
This was my first digital camera .. so quality SUCKS but adds to the atmosphere of how new and geeky it all was .. you can see I was a control freak too ?
I would have tried to do side by side pictures but this computer is a separate one from my lap top and only has these pictures .. but I think you may be able to figure out the scenes ?
This is REALLY a BLAST from the PAST !!

See how incredibly YOUNG my Sumac was ?


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Does your sumac try to roam through the garden? Your garden has come a long way. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you to have the "old" pictures as digital. I didn't own a digital camera when we bought KG.
It is great to look back and see how much work (and beauty) you have added.

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Very cool! I'm diggin' the driftwood. When I plant that in my garden, pesky ants decide to live in it. Do you experience that problem? I think our SW ants are a nastier breed than most normal places...

meemsnyc said...

It's great to look at old photos to see how things have progressed.

Meadowview Thymes said...

I like to look back every now and then to see where I was..and where I am. Makes me feel good! :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thank you Lisa girl ! ... and a huge YES ! to the roaming Sumac problem .. it is a price I pay for gracing me with its beauty .. it can be aggravating but when you think of it .. the poor thing is only trying to have babies and a family ? LOL

Deborah .. I didn't have a digital camera when we came here from Holland and had 8 days to find a house .. it was the old standard camera then and while in Europe which kills me to think how many wonderful pictures I could have had ! But it does show a blast from that past : ) and where I am now !

Kate girl .. we do have ants but not as bad as what you have .. eeeuuuwwww ! that would creep me out for sure .. maybe yours are mutants !!!!! LOL

Meemsnyc it really does pack a punch too see the difference .. especially in our case when we moved constantly (military) and I never had a garden of my own : )

Hello Linda ! it does make us feel good and a little amazed too at the same time .. it can be a huge difference or just enough of one to put plans in our heads again ?

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Joy, I finally got around to this post, and boy am I glad I did. I can see how your garden has evolved, especially since I was at your place yesterday. Still. Even back then, your garden looked very nice. Now it looks awesome. I'm just unloading my camera from all the photos I took at your place. Can you believe I snapped 192 pictures? And I still don't think it's enough. There are so many wonderful things growing in your garden. I hope in a few years, when my baby plants have grown big and bold, that my own garden will look much nicer. I'll be happy if it looks half as nice as yours!

Barry said...

Sweet Jesus!

And I thought all one had to do was click their ruby pumps together to get gardens like the one that you have loving cultivated over the years...... damned things [the red pumps] have given me blisters..... to the refuse bin with you NOW!

Joy, what a wonderful photographic testament the the love, turmoil, toil and bounteous rewards that you have put into creating such a magical garden.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Martha girl thank you ! LOL .. I know about how shocking the number of pictures we end up taking .. I can't believe it myself either ! LOL .. my goodness you have only been in your home/garden just a year !! You have done so much from nothing there and so much work from trying to clear crap from your garden and that overhanging tree thing ! that is the pits !
Your garden will amaze you next year when these plants really settle in girl ... wait for it ! : )

Barry you make me howl with laughter every time you say that SJ ! LOL .. I tried the ruby slipper thing and I got the same results as you did .. damn BLISTERS .. so they were thrown on the roof .. maybe that was what attracted those damn raccoons ??
Yes .. the pictures do amaze me when I look back .. the original pictures would be even more shocking .. totally bare NAKED !!! the YARDS were ! hehehehe

Rose said...

Amazing how much your garden has grown, Joy. Your sumac was such a cute toddler:) You are lucky to have these pictures, though. I wish I had taken some of our house before I started any of the gardens; I know it would make me feel better about having accomplished something.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thanks Rose ! I was just lucky to get a digital camera by the time I was really getting into the garden here .. I know I would have been in heaven having a digi camera when we were in Europe .. so many beautiful pictures I could have taken .. like you with wanting to see how you started out with your garden .. oh well .. we are in the thick of things now eh ?
I know you have crafted a beautiful Eden from simple beginnings girl : )