
Saturday, 12 June 2010

What the garden day brings .....

I can never tell what a garden day will be like ..
Whether I can trust the weather-person ? about the forecast and make plans to do the so many odd jobs in the garden I will get dizzy and fall off my ladder .. or be totally cynical and plan only to circle the garden centers and browse the possible adoptee plants to squeeze into the crowd already there ?
I quickly look out of the window (around 5 AM ... I know ... eeeekkkkk!)
If I see a hint of colour .. well .. it is a mad scramble to grab the camera after tripping on the girls to get to the deck door and capture that sky before it fades !
How do you like seeing that darn bare naked (neighbor's oops !) flag pole disrupting the flow of horizon ?
It was a mix of charcoal and pink clouds fighting between themselves to brush the sky ...
A hint of jet stream literally sparkling in the sky .. it was amazing to watch disappear like a magic trick ..
See what I mean ?
Dare I use that over used word 'AWESOME" ??
... as quickly as I snapped pictures it just as quickly started to fade from the sky
Leaving just a hint of that fabulous PINK : )
Then the charcoal clouds took over to usher in an odd event ...
FOG .... along with fog-horn ... but this was just a tiny (storm) fog bank ? in a tea cup ?
.... and then the sun SPARKLED on the garden and it was a lovely day : )

I visited some plants but I was well behaved and didn't bring any more home .. for now !


Jan said...

Hi Joy, gorgeous sky photos! The close ups are really cool! Funny about the fog suddenly appearing-but glad it none-the-less burned off and became a lovely day. Wow, I love your blog changes...very nice! It's been a while since I've visited ANYONE's blog. You're the first in what seems like EONS!! Hot and humid here...but luckily we just had a quick thunderstorm and it has cooled off a bit--for now. High 90's and so much humidity it's hard to enjoy the outdoors when it's like this!

deb said...

Pretty pictures Joy. I'm back

Carol said...

Beautiful sky Joy! It does look like a pastel or charcoal drawing. I love your enthusiasm too! It is wonderful to see these fleeting moments in nature.

Sheila said...

Sounds like a wonderful day to me!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Jan girl ! How are you : )
Thank you so much ! .. it was funny to see the fog .. it is like an old friend since I spent some very important childhood years on the Atlantic coast and loved it : )
Jan I so understand about the heat and humidity .. I know you guys south of us never think we have that problem .. but girl .. believe me .. a lot of summer days I hide in the refuge of the cool dry house .. thank god for AC !
I am having a hard time visiting blogs too .. so little energy left after the garden uses me up and spits me out ? haha

deb girl !!!!! Thank you and I am coming over there as soon as I finish these up .. look out !!! LOL

Carol thank you so much girl ! I have finally begun the process of a separate blog for my sky pictures .. Typepad .. talk about confusing .. I am such an idiot some days it is scary ? I have to get over to your place and visit YOU girl ! : )

Hello there Sheila !! it was a beautiful day and I want to burn those type of days in my memory to enjoy it again and again : )Thanks !

Anonymous said...

We have fog today, too. I hope it go away soon, my sister in law is supposed to fly home to San Antonio from Portland in a couple of hours.

I love the shades of pink and silver in the sunrise.

Joy, one of my neighbors had an old truck parked in my sunrise view for months. I had to clone it out of all the photos.

Linda said...

We were leaving for the Pearson Airport in Toronto at 5 am. I thought I might get some sunrise photos but it was too overcast. We dropped off family returning to BC and then drove home by 9:15 ... amazing time with no weekday traffic. You captured some nice pink skies.

RURAL said...

Wonderful sky photos, they almost look like they were processed through a 70's action. Cool.


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Sandy .. I am going to have to pick your brain for information soon .. if number one son finally moves to his girlfriends home .. I get an office and I get a proper desk top PC etc ..I want to get more specialized photography programs and really go nuts with it ? LOL .. I love taking pictures of the sky almost as much as gardening : ) That clone program sounds perfect !! LOL

Linda you can never count on what the sky is going to do .. I watch the weather and think I have a chance and then there is too heavy a cloud cover .. then some mornings I am shocked at having a chance at gorgeous sunrise .. it knocks me flat on my a** ? LOL

Jen girl .. it amazes me how the pictures come out verses what my eye sees by itself .. then what is sees through the view finder and THEN what is uploaded to my lap top ! .. it can be so different and so gorgeous at times it blows me away : )