
Thursday, 15 July 2010

A Cone Flower for Rose

I was stressing out over how many bad photos it takes to find a good one .. and why on earth do I hold onto the bad ones ? I know I am not the only one that does THAT !!
Aside from that nonsense I ran across this picture of my Sparkler echinacea with morning dew still on it .. and for some reason I immediately thought of Rose from Prairie Rose's Garden .. this one IS for YOU Rose .. you always manage to visit me and leave such nice comments .. thank you !Posted by Picasa


Cat said...

Hey shutterbug, how is the season treating you?
I am back with blogger as it's the one my mom likes so Cat's World it is.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

That is a really pretty one! I finally found a Coneflower blooming here today.
I keep all the bad pictures too, not sure why since they just take up space :)

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

That's a lovely photo, Joy. And you're certainly not alone in the bad photo keeping. I have thousands of photos on my computer and I swear at least half of them should be deleted. I have no idea what I'm holding on to them for.

And, by the way, how are you doing? I saw your comments on my blog; looks like you're really busy as you prepare for Linda's visit. With my daughter being away on vacation, I've been really busy gardening. I should be getting an email to you soon; hopefully within the next few days. We have a birthday party to attend on Saturday. And on Sunday, we're going to take a drive to Montreal. We want to visit the old folks, and I want to stop at the cemetery for my father; always makes me feel like I'm somehow visiting with him.

Vetsy said...

I like the header.. I wish I was brave enough to try out new headers for my blog..One Day I'll get the nerve.. for now I'll just watch you practice with your lovely headers..

Very nice..

Linda said...

Beautiful coneflowers. I hear you on keeping all the photos ... blurry or clear. Why oh why do we do it? I think it is because I can check back and see how much I have improved in taking photos!!! Now, if you believe that, well, I've got some swamp land in Florida to sell you (that is one of my husband's favourite sayings.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Your garden looks so fresh. Mine is looking awfully worn what with record high temps and not enough rain to keep things going.

meemsnyc said...

That's so nice!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hellllooo there Cat girl !
I will be coming right over to find out what you have been up to : ) !

Catherine it is such a mystery as to why we keep those darn pictures isn't it ? I swear when I have the time I will CLEAN up my files ! LOL
Hey .. I knew a cone flower was going to start a wave over at your place soon ! LOL

Hey there Martha girl !
I really have to do something about it on my laptop because it is so bogged down .. the time it takes to do anything on it is terrible .. it is my bridge to keep UP before I get my OFFICE !!! LOL .. It sounds like you truly are a blur in motion girl : )
That is nice you are going to visit your parents .. even if it means having to go to Montreal ? LOL .. YES ! Linda will be here tomorrow .. but the weather looks crappy now .. it will be a relief from their extreme hot weather at least ? but rain ? jeez !
I haven't been working in my garden for a few days now .. poor thig needs TLC !!
I understand about your dad's grave and how visiting can help you feel like that .. I hope all goes well with your visit : )

Vetsy girl .. it was a bit scary at first swapping out the header picture but now I see so much more potential it is fun !! Don't let it scare you girl .. I swear .. once you do it you will be fine !!LOL .. come on .. you know you want to ! : )

Linda girl you have made me laugh this morning : ) I say that every once in a while too, so your husband and I think on the same playing ground ? LOL
Hey .. I have meant so many times to ask how your feeling with your new camera ? .. I would love to know what you think of it !

Lisa girl we were on the edge of that problem too .. but we finally have some rain (I was prepared to drag the hose around today in fact !) I take pictures of the good parts of the garden .. I have BAD parts too girl ! LOL
I am wishing you some cooler temps and rain over there !!

Hey meems : ) thanks girl !

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hellllooo there Cat girl !
I will be coming right over to find out what you have been up to : ) !

Catherine it is such a mystery as to why we keep those darn pictures isn't it ? I swear when I have the time I will CLEAN up my files ! LOL
Hey .. I knew a cone flower was going to start a wave over at your place soon ! LOL

Hey there Martha girl !
I really have to do something about it on my laptop because it is so bogged down .. the time it takes to do anything on it is terrible .. it is my bridge to keep UP before I get my OFFICE !!! LOL .. It sounds like you truly are a blur in motion girl : )
That is nice you are going to visit your parents .. even if it means having to go to Montreal ? LOL .. YES ! Linda will be here tomorrow .. but the weather looks crappy now .. it will be a relief from their extreme hot weather at least ? but rain ? jeez !
I haven't been working in my garden for a few days now .. poor thig needs TLC !!
I understand about your dad's grave and how visiting can help you feel like that .. I hope all goes well with your visit : )

Vetsy girl .. it was a bit scary at first swapping out the header picture but now I see so much more potential it is fun !! Don't let it scare you girl .. I swear .. once you do it you will be fine !!LOL .. come on .. you know you want to ! : )

Linda girl you have made me laugh this morning : ) I say that every once in a while too, so your husband and I think on the same playing ground ? LOL
Hey .. I have meant so many times to ask how your feeling with your new camera ? .. I would love to know what you think of it !

Lisa girl we were on the edge of that problem too .. but we finally have some rain (I was prepared to drag the hose around today in fact !) I take pictures of the good parts of the garden .. I have BAD parts too girl ! LOL
I am wishing you some cooler temps and rain over there !!

Hey meems : ) thanks girl !

Gail said...

I think Rose will love this treat! Hoping you are doing well and enjoying the summer~I've had to be gone so much with family business and some fun trips thrown in that I feel like I am not gardening at all. gail

Rose said...

Joy, how sweet of you! You've put a smile on my face and lifted my spirits already this morning; thank you for thinking of me!

I don't know about being the "queen of the coneflowers," but you know I love them. Besides, they require absolutely no work from me and just keep spreading each year--they make me look like I really have a green thumb:) Yours is beautiful glistening with dewdrops.

As for photos, I keep planning to sort them all during the slow winter months, but never do; my computer may crash one of these days because its memory is overloaded:)

Have a great weekend, Joy!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Gail girl sometimes a garden season goes like that ! it whips by and we feel like we hardly did anything in the garden at all .. in fact it feels like that for me for a few weeks now with hiding from the heat and humidity ? LOL
I'm very glad you are getting some fun trips and time in Gail .. you need that and I know it helps make you feel better : )
Yes .. I thought of Rose right away with this cone flower !LOL

Rose girl I don't know what it was about this one but you popped right into my head when I saw my Sparkler show up like this .. actually I haven't seen "Sparkler" echinacea at any of the garden centers or green houses in some time now .. that is odd !
I say the exact same thing .. i will get them all sorted in the winter and get rid of the bad ones .. if I don't soon .. my lap top WILL crash !! eeeekkkk !

*~* Linda *~* said...

I swear I'm not ignoring you Joy!!! I'm sure it goes without saying that you and I both are running around like frazzled ladies getting ready! (Of course I Have no choice, but you my dear, do NOT need to go to such trouble for me! I promise promise promise I am only grateful for the opportunity to come for the visit and knowing all the things that keep you busy this time of year, the last thing you need to do is stress over me!)
Can't wait! I'm beyond excited and I'll "see" you tomorrow!!!

The rest of your fans will just have to be jealous that I get to see all those beautiful flowers and greenery in person! ha ha ha

Lona said...

It is a beautiful picture Joy.
I keep a few of my bad shots too and I don't know why. I can always tell them in the folder because I never name them. LOL! They would be so easy to delete but I hang onto the things.
Have a great weekend!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

OMG ! Linda .. I know you are so darn busy with getting the kids off and getting yourself organized .. I didn't want you to stretch ? yourself with comments on my blog girl ! .. I have my quiet time too : ).. the garden is actually going through a stress period so my pictures are only of the good looking type ? LOL
This heat and humidity has been jacking up the weeds and stressing out the flowers so it is not at its best !
Fingers crossed all goes well with your flight and the drive .. Ian is still cleaning ? his room! Ha!!
We want you to just relax and do what ever you guys have planned : )
Get some sleep girl ! haha

Lona thank you girl ! : )
Some day someone will tell us why we do that with our bad pictures .. I swear I am going to par down the bad ones before my lap top crashes !! haha
Have a nice relaxed weekend girl !

Anonymous said...

What a beauty, how nice of you to post this especially for our Prairie Rose. :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Racquel girl ! I am going to have to post a special cone flower for everyone soon ! LOL
I just have these random post shots popping up in my head ? ;-)