
Friday, 2 July 2010

Hodge Podge Friday Again !

Yesterday was a strange day .. the clouds and sun were playing a game of chase .. the light changed constantly even to the point it made me fiddle too much with my pictures .. some look way too dark .. some bland as white rice .. others , well .. I won't go there .. so this means ?
Hodge Podge Friday .. I can't think of any other excuse ?
The sunrise had a little colour .. I had to hunt for it and zoom in on it .. and it took flight as soon as it realized what I was doing of course .. go figure ??
Still ... the smokey clouds and whiff of white were interesting ...
My Staghorn Sumac 's .. "horns" have been turning red already .. it seems way too early .. I think there is some kind of force rushing us through this season some how ?
They are pretty .. like pomegranate seeds with fuzz ?
Little Pinky has been very pretty .. her older sister seems to be fading though .. that is sad :-(
That shot of pink .. is a great PINK though ?
Hosta in a pot has been really nice .. note to self .. make sure you do this again ! ...
maybe several of them ?
It is so happy it is going to bloom for me too !
I love the echeveria plant to bits and I am hoping it will survive coming indoors for the winter ?
So with the continuous change in light values these long shots from the deck don't do the garden justice ..
... but I just had to put them in this post ... BIG sigh !!
I absolutely love my ostrich astilbe .. I want to dedicate a post completely on astilbe because they are such wonderful plants for gardens : )


Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Joy, my dear, your garden looks a-ma-zing! And I love your Sumac. If I wasn't so afraid to grow one, I'd add one to my backyard. I saw one in full bloom today when George and I took a walk. It's growing in the city's land behind our home. It's such a gorgeous tree. And when I saw it, I immediately thought of you and wondered if your own Sumac was in bloom. It really is too early for some of the plants to be blooming, isn't it? Everything seems out of whack this year.

Great idea, by the way, to grow perennials in pots on the deck. I think I'll give it a try next year. That will be fun to do.

Northern Beauty Seeker said...

Hi Joy, those sumac 'horns' are gorgeous! I know what you mean about the season rushing. I just deadheaded my tulips and now I see a fireweed blooming on the side of the road. I always think of them as an August flower. If I see a purple aster I will scream! :-)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hi there Martha girl : )
Yes .. it takes steady nerves to manage a sumac like this in the garden .. I don't know how many naughty kids run around in the garden that we have to pull out .. but .. it is the price I pay for my Halloween tree ? LOL
It is eerie to have it progress so far and so fast this year .. I'm worried we won't have much of an Autumn ?
Yes ! I am going to do a few more perennials on the deck for next year too !

Ms S ! I used to have fireweed in the garden but my echinacea kicked it out ? LOL ... will I hear you all the way over here if the screaming begins ? hahaha
Hey .. I am wondering about a lot of plants but when I do that end of June pinch back it tames most of the crew to bloom stronger and later .. so far so good

*~* Linda *~* said...

the garden looks beautiful Joy!! you've hard work and pain(ha!) is paying off. Sorry I missed wishing you a happy Canada Day. It's been crazy busy the last few days... but I'll pop an email to you soon! Finally decided to face the wedding photos and see what I can do.

You have such a wide variety though, that everyday it's like a new garden with new things blooming, and old ones stepping aside once their time in the spotlight has passed. Very nice!

Kyna said...

I think you did pretty well with the sky pictures! I love clouds. Do you know there are 14 different kinds of clouds? A friend of mine at the University of Alberta was taking meterology, and gave me some fun facts lol.

Anonymous said...

Isn't everything coming early this year? You have lots of pretties blooming now. I never thought of sumac in the garden. It is beautiful, and probably a good way to draw birds.

Carrie said...

Oh the lighting is just fab - silly Joy for worrying. That last close up of the sun rise is beautiful what a gorgeous composition :) You're garden is a delight, thank goodness you are taking lots of photos though if everything is moving so fast. Plus what self respecting girl wouldn't want a lovely photo of that pink!! Beautiful shade, beautiful flower xxx I seem to use the word 'beautiful' a lot in your comments section, hehehe

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Linda don't worry about e-mail I totally understand you are so busy it makes me dizzy ! LOL
Yes .. taking a breather before looking at photos helps .. don't be so hard on yourself girl !
Yes I am the queen of variety ? haha .. I like to cover all of the seasons as much as possible .. the cone flowers are beginning to bloom and already the "late summer" atmosphere is starting .. feels weird .. I hope the garden isn't too exhausted by the time you get here .. that period of time is one of the worst .. it will suffer with heat and humidity .. so those are my excuses ? LOL

Sandy I can safely say YES ! the sumac does draw birds .. the eat from it late summer early Autumn .. and of course being my Halloween tree .. it turns a gorgeous mix of colours too !

Carrie girl thank you and you can say beautiful all you want, I have no problem with THAT !! haha
Things are moving quickly for sure .. I see we will have that exhausting heat and humidity coming up this week so I will be hiding in the house for sure !

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Very nice Hodge Podge, Joy! Those horn are amazing, I've never seen them before.

Linda said...

Your garden is looking lovely, and I'm wondering about the rush of the season too. So many plants blooming at the beginning of July that don't usually bud till August. Your hosta in pots are doing really well. Have you given thought to them over the winter? will you just leave them in pots on the deck or move to garage? I'm curious as I'm thinking I might do some in pots next year too.

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Wow Joy, your sumac looks amazing, and I'm so impressed with your hosta in a pot. I will have to try this next year, my hostas are always a slug buffet, maybe they would do better in a pot?

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello there Tatyana girl !
Thank you so much : ) Sumac horns are very special and usually don't turn colour this early .. so it is a little eerie .. just right for the call of Autumn which is a little early now too ? LOL

Linda I can't remember a year when summer has been rushed through like this .. I know we still have two solid months of summer but plants seem to want to leap forward now !
The hosta in a pot .. well I am giving it to Martha from Water Well since she is still filling her gardens up and has room for hosta .. but you make me curious about how they would fair over winter in a pot .. some year I will try that ? or you could now ? .. I'll let you try first and see how it works ? LOL

Rebecca girl thank you !
I bet they would survive slugs better in pots and then you could just plant them back in the garden before winter ? then take them out for Spring ? .. a whole scientific process for better looking hosta ? LOL

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

I agree, Joy, the extra Co2 or whatever is driving this summer's growth is unbelievable. Hostas bloom and go to seed as never before. Birds are gorging on the bounty. Your garden looks great.