
Monday, 12 July 2010

Just for fun from the garden .....


Dani said...

What a joy it is to me to see these pictures.

A joyous greetings for you Joy.

Thank you!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Love that header photo. This is a fun post.

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Great post Joy, your pictures are lovely and your new header is divine!! I hope Winthrop enjoys his holiday, and brings back pictures. ;)

Bonnie said...

Thanks for my morning smile :) Love the pics and the captions!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hellloooo there Dani : ) and thank you girl !

Hey there Lisa .. I just had to do it ? LOL .. a wandering mind yesterday ? wink wink

Hello there Rebecca girl : )
Thank you ! Winthrop was given strict instructions to take pictures .. but you just never know if a gargoyle will do what you say ? haha

Thank you Bonnie girl, you are up so early ! I have to admit to being and early riser too .. usually 5 AM .. makes for a long day eh ? ;-)

Dani said...

Oh, I've just noticed my grammar mistake. Shame on me. :(

I was amazed by the gorgeous pictures, so..

There shouldn't be any excuse. ^_^

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Dani my goodness don't worry about little things like that girl ! I am just happy you spent time to comment ! : )

Dave said...

You're just having too much fun! Nothing wrong with that though!

BTW I like the header picture - the combination of flowers looks great!

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Hi, Joy!
Popped over to tell you that the Morden Sunrise roses you suggested I try are BLOOMING! Blooming happily just two months after sticking their tiny toes in the ground. (They languished in pots in the sunny window for a couple months while I waited for the weather to warm.)

I absolutely love the color! Thanks for the tip. And, I love this post, too. Thanks for the giggle.

Gail said...

Hey you! This is a fun post and your coneflowers look amazing...mine are kind of beat up after a series of nasty weather events~floods then drought, followed by pests! xxgail

Kraneia said...

Wow, those are some pretty good pics.

I have one of a bumblebee crawling on a coneflower, have to upload it at some point....


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Dear Dave
Thank you very much and we all need MORE fun in our lives don't we ? ;-)
I thought that shot was darn near perfect for a header picture too : )

Dear Kate : ) I am so glad "she" is blooming for you and that you really like how she looks .. Morden Sunrise is one steadfast character in the garden girl !
Hey .. how many days until Halloween?? LOL

Gail girl .. we are still in a heat wave here .. and no rain after it was predicted .. which means dragging the garden hose around to give everyone a drink .. phew !! Hope you are feeling OK ?

Well hello there Scratch and thank you ! I want to see how your bee on the cone flower turned out ? : )

Rose said...

Thanks for the chuckles, Joy! You know I love coneflowers, but I think now I may just have to plant some white ones as well; yours are so pretty they've convinced me.

Whoa, did I miss something...where did Winthrop go??

Linda said...

I hope Winthrop is enjoying his vacation ... where ever he might be.
Lovely coneflowers.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Rose girl I was so busy showing Tatyana my "fly" pictures because she was so interested in them .. I totally forgot you are the queen of cone flowers with how much you love them ! : ) Winthrop was getting fed up on guard duty and insisted on a holiday .. he wouldn't tell me where he was going either .. so gargoyle typical ? haha

Thanks Linda .. I'll let Winthrop know you were thinking of him ! ;-)

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Beautiful coneflower photos. This is one of my favorite plants. I do like that header picture.


MWebster said...

Joy, what fantastic photographs!:) Whimsical and Fun!

Missy said...

I just wanted to log on and say that I LOVE reading your blog and seeing the pictures you take... you have a great eye for beauty... Keep up the great work! I really enjoy it and look forward to checking it out daily.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Eileen : )Thank you !
My cone flowers are having a great year this year finally ! I have been at this for some time and it is paying off in BIG smiles from them ? ;-)

Thank you Monica : ) I just popped over to see your amazing seedlings take over and look so beautiful too ! and your gorgeous "pups" !

Missy : ) Thank you so much ! I just want to have a lot of fun with my blog .. but I so enjoy hearing other people get a kick out of it too .. so I appreciate you stopping by and saying so !
Thanks again : )

Anonymous said...

Nice photos Joy girl!! Your garden looks wonderful. And the sky looks very caloric. Yum!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello there Grace girl ! and thank you : ) it is hard work photographing a sky that looks like candy .. but some one has to do it , right ? LOL

Kimberly said...

Joy, this is a very cute post! I love it! Put a smile on my face this morning!!! (which is a good thing after no sleep)

Anonymous said...

I love the way you are putting these photos together on your blog Joy. And the new header is beautiful as well! :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Kimberly girl ! What on earth kept you up with no sleep ? Poor thing !
I know when I don't sleep .. well .. no one gets in my way if you know what I mean ? LOL
I'm glad you got a smile out of the post girl : ) hope you get some sleep tonight !!

Hello Racquel : )
Thank you so much girl : ) I have been having fun switching things around now that I have gotten over the fear of the header picture changing ? LOL .. Winthrop has been taking it very well too ? LOL

Sunita Mohan said...

What a fun post, Joy! You had me giggling with all those comments on the photos. Thanks for a bit of laughter on a busy workday when I shouldn't be sitting at the computer (oops!);D

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Sunita girl !
I just stopped over by your blog and wow!! on your post with your garden .. banana plants fascinate me and you have so many : ) So much information on the influences with the soil and the plants .. or what is considered a weed in your gardens there , for medicine they are finding out about .. it is wonderful !
Those little sparrows are too cute ;-) we have our share here of the too ! LOL