This rose bush "JP", has captured my attention big time .. a beautiful soft yellow colour (hum ? maybe because our newly painted kitchen is yellow as well .. and the family room .. and another bathroom .. I think I have a problem with yellow ?) in any case .. Tracy from Hey Harriet has ramped her blog up and it is looking very cool girl !
Have a look at all the shadow shooters way over there : )
Love the flower and the shadow! Great shot for the week!
Ah, I love yellow, too, particularly after such a gray winter and early spring as we've had here this year! Love your shadow shot for the day! Enjoy your weekend!
Lovely shadow shot as always.
I like the change at your blog. I changed my layout too. Completely.:S
Have a sunny Sunday!
Nice soft shadows..The rose is gorgeous
Nice photo Joy girl.
That's a very sweet flower and a gorgeous shade of pale yellow. So you have yellow throughout your home? Wow you must really love the colour! I bet it looks awesome too! Hope your weekend is going good so far :)
Hello Beverley and thank you : )
It almost cools you down from this heat we are having, when you look at it ? ;-)
Thanks Sylvia .. there are so many shades of yellow .. the soft buttery ones are my favorite and they do strike a cord after long bouts of gray and dark days for sure !
Hi Dani and thank you ! It does perk you up when you swap out the layout and colours for something new eh ? .. sometimes we get stuck in a rut ;-)
Thanks N&P I haven't had a yellow rose in a long time and this one is gorgeous JP Connell is its name : )
Hey there Grace girl ! Thank you : )
Hi Harriet aka Tracy girl : ) .. I guess it is Monday over there by now .. hope you had a great weekend though ? .. Yup ! soft yellow can really create and awesome flow to a room .. especially the kitchen : )
Very nice shadow shot. All of your photos are veary beautiful.
My bedroom is yellow as can never have enough sunshine in your life!!!
Thank you very much Spadoman : )
Sweet Repose I feel the same way too .. especially the kitchen when everyone has to meet up some time ?
When it is the right shade, it is so calming and yet warm : )
Pretty rose and I love the subtle shadows on the petals. :)
Hi Racquel girl and yes ! this shade of yellow got to me .. I'm not a yellow rose kind of person .. but this is perfect : )
Yellow rose—
the secrets it knows
it tells not.
Shadowy Grapevine
Hi Joy, gorgeous photo! We had three of these in our last garden and I simply loved them. They fade to an antique cream colour - and no thorns! That, plus their small size makes them perfect near the front of a border. Now you have reminded me of them, I must get some for this garden! ;-)
Hello there MMT .. I think you are perfectly right !? ;-)
Ms S : ) this is a new one for me and it is gorgeous ! I have been watching it flower and the process is very pretty indeed and I am so glad I stumbled upon it ? LOL
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