Hey .. I am stuck in the house with this compressed femoral nerve in my leg .. has anyone had that too ? I would love to hear from you if you have been through this .. it is a bit scary .. I miss being in the garden so much .. so .. ergo these weird posts ? LOL
just gorgeous.
Lately while trying to take a photo of a butterfly, she's running away.Still havent found the right poser. :)
Have a great day, Joy.
I am ready for Halloween just because we will have cooler weather then. UGH. Hate this miserably hot weather.
Hi Joy,
I haven't visited in a while. That ghost butterfly is gorgeous! The other day while I was out and about the store I was in had some Halloween things they started putting out. I am certainly ready because it means cooler temperatures! We are supposed to be between 103 to 107 actual temperatures here this week. TOO HOT!!! Hope you are enjoying your summer.♥
Hi Joy, Nice capture of a 'Cabbage White' at least I think. Gee I do not want October quite this soon. That really spooks me! ;>)
Just under 3 months to Halloween. We commented on that on July 31 as my granddaughter was 9 months old then and will be 1 on Halloween.
So lovely Joy!
Hello Dani ! and thank you : )
They flirt with us terribly eh ? That come hither look to take a picture and then they flutter away .. little teasers ! haha
You will have one that loves to be photographed yet so hang in there Dani ! ;-)
Lisa girl I am so with you about the horrible hot weather .. we had a little break from it .. but now it is back .. Halloween and October will be such a "treat" won't it ? LOL Hang in there girl !
Darlene hello there !!
OMG .. I don't know how you survive those temps .. we can get into the over 40 Celsius with and I hide in the house then .. that smothering humidity totally knocks me down. HALLOWEEN !!! I can't wait to check out the stores when that starts .. did you know we are getting a LOWES ?? I am so happy to see what treats are in store for us with that store : )
Hope you are having a great summer with your family girl : )thanks for stopping by *SMILE*
Carol girl you are a HOOT ! .. I don't know the names to these little creatures but "she" had me trying to get her picture .. another flirt ! haha .. don't worry girl .. Halloween is down the road a while yet .. darn it ! LOL
Linda I remember too well that your little granddaughter would be one then .. I so wish I had my birthday then .. but at least it is in October BIG *smile* I am an October gal !
Thank you Rebecca girl : )
I love your photos ans inserts LOL! You poor girl. Talk about messing with your back. Did they take x-rays?
Hey there Lona girl (I won't repeat all that spiel about late getting to blogs .. jeez ! I am truly LATE ! haha)
Thank you girl : ) .. I had x rays to see if my first fusion with the screws was still intact .. yup, didn't break the screws .. but now waiting for the MIR appointment .. it always hits at the worst time possible ? DOUBLE JEEZ !!! LOL
That fly may be on to something. I've never told my problems to roses, but the aromatherapy is quite restorative.
Joy, I had to come back and leave another little dig after you left your comment.Girl I have tinittus too. No wonder we are both so silly. LOL! When it first started over (OMG) 40 years ago I thought the noise would drive me bonkers. I have learned to mostly ignore it now (unless I hit the caffeine)I know you want Halloween to get here but don't wish it here too soon.I hate winter!!! LOL!
A ghost butterfly! Maybe that's why I am thinking fall, too much heat, too much rain. Get better, just in time to clean up the garden.
WS : ) how are you !
Roses ahhhhh ! aromatherapy to the max .. I truly love that scent and why the breed roses without scent is beyond me !! Talk to your roses girl : )
Lona girl that is IT ! we are twins separated at birth right ? LOL .. I have had this only for about 6 years and I am losing some hearing as it is , so having to hear this CRAP makes me crazier than usual (scary eh ? LOL)
Sorry girl but I am in full gear for Autumn .. bring it on !! hehehehe .. take cover ? ;-)
Eileen ! I will only be too happy to get better and do garden clean up girl : ) .. this is agony and the sooner it is over .. well I need garden therapy NOW .. and husband needs me to HAVE garden therapy NOW TOO ! hahahaha
Ouch, haven't had it, but it sounds nasty, have you seen a chiro?
I see mine every two weeks and he keeps me set.
Feel better and stay safe,
Hello Cat girl ! Thank you !!!
Actually I have been told not to go to a chrio person .. the disc about my first fusion is in jepardy and we are waiting for the MRI to see the area in detail and what to do for the nerve .. I hope you NEVER feel this Cat .. it is god awful !!
I'm so sorry you're under the weather Joy, and hope the nerve problem can be resolved soon - sounds like it's really impinging on your active lifestyle.
Wonderful photos!
So sorry that you're stuck in the house - hope you feel better soon.
The photos are lovely :)
Linda girl.. I feel guilty not getting over to your place in such a long time .. things have been crazy here and then the nerve/disc thing .. jeez ! .. I miss being in my garden so much .. that therapy is what I need now most of all but ironically .. I can't so it .. you have to laugh at that one eh ? ;-)
Thank you Monica : ) .. being stuck here is a "pain" even though I am glad to escape that horrible heat/humidity thing .. I am afraid my garden babies NEED me and they have to hang on until I can get to them .. hopefully SOON !!!!
Hey, your plants have a lot to say!
Your garden doesn't appear to be suffering from this hot summer.
Sandy girl .. I have been lucky so far, but if this heat wave doesn't break soon .. the garden will ? jeez!
Yes .. I am still thinking AUTUMN : )
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