
Tuesday, 29 April 2014

The "Swirling Delight"!

I am listening to the wonderful sound of rain ... finally !
We were getting to the point of being DRY ... and I had been watching the weather like a hawk ..
Yes we needed some nice sunny days to condition us away from our winter "mole people" persona .. so I did appreciate the rare ones we got.
But ... we can certainly use this rain now and even more so since I ran around like a good garden fairy sprinkling my magic dust, aka fertilizer, on the gardens ... so I was beginning to sweat a little thinking that my weather icon was having a scream torturing me about the promise of rain .. phew !

Now .. for the swirling delight part ... actually Berry Swirl of the Winter Jewels collection ... sigh !

It made me wonder why haven't I just kept with double flowered hellebore .. but when I started collecting them I was so excited about hellebore I just couldn't see anything not perfect about the plants.
Which for the most part is true because their foliage stays so nice over the whole summer to Autumn.
Even without flowers they are attractive plants and once established, quite drought tolerant which is a good thing for any plant to be now a days.
You may well ask .. well where is all this foliage ? ..
I have this thing about foliage that looks like hum ?.. crap?
"Ugliness by abusive winter weather" is a condition I have a cure for .. pruners at the ready !
The foliage will grow again and it will look fresh and beautiful .. so you just have to be a little "mean" when doing Spring clean up .. it won't hurt the plants and they will all look gorgeous for the garden season!


Lona said...

Your Lenten rose is so pretty Joy. Glad to hear you are getting some much needed rain. We have had rain three days now so the ground is pretty saturated here. Have a great week my friend.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh your photos are incredible and yes finally rain but no warmth I know we both live in the same planting zone :) I am wondering what I could plant to last for an end of August Wedding here on our farm....any ideas? Thank you if you have any I do think you do I would appreciate your expert advice. B

Jennifer said...

What a lovely Hellebore! Both of the divisions I made from the big piece you gave me are blooming nicely. The only problem is I find myself wanting something to compliment them. I think I will have to order a few more from Fraser Thimble Farms!
The rain is welcome although it seems like we are having April weather in May. I have been dying to get out into the garden, but the rain hasn't really stopped. Hopefully this weekend I can do some serious gardening.

Susan said...

I love it when I find another Canadian garden blogger. I'm still waiting for things to dry out here on the Wet coast.

Barry said...

It is a delightful Helleborus Joy! I love the deep red/wine colouration, and the fact that it is double.... some things in like are indeed priceless. Looking like we have much warmer temps [but still wet] in the weeks ahead.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Lona girl ! and thank you so much .. she really brightened up my day seeing such a nice display.
Yes .. enough of the rain now .. we have to get some serious work done!

Hello Buttons and thank you so much!
I sent an e-mail to you and we should be able to get our heads together ;-)

Jennifer girl I find I am loving the double flowered ones more so now .. you aren't supposed to have favorite children in the garden though eh ? LOL Yes fingers crossed the weather shines a little brighter so we can get some chores done!

Hello Susan and thank you for stopping by ! Yes the "wet coast" we lived on Vancouver Island for a few years and it was DAMP to say the least ... haha !

Yes sweetie I am in love with this hellebore .. I am wishing I had more doubles now .. I may have to rethink what ones I have and "edit" ? LOL .. fingers crossed with the weather!