Perhaps not literally but this funny thing happens to me when I go to bed at night and start thinking about the garden ..
I have had about 3 pages of lists to accomplish ... I made it almost half way through so far ... but every time I knock one thing off, I see another while my head is down to almost soil level.
How does that happen ? ... will it ever all be up to snuff ? .. am I doing things the right way ?
I have audiences ... chirping away at me .. a form of encouragement maybe ?
The show of colour is a beautiful punctuation I look at as I grumble my way through the slogging bits.
My "toddler" Tiger Eye Sumac is very showy and I think quite proud of it's leaves.
Then there are the Porcelain Berry vine jewels
The birds are feasting on them like delicacies to be savored ... the colour is what I savor !
Orange Velvet is still pumping out buds and I am trying so hard not to pluck them !
Then there is the happy coincidence of bright leaves on green foliage for contrast.
I am still wowed by My Monet Sunset ... I know it will be brilliant come Spring and garden season.
Last was another rose which I just had to take in the house ... the scent is divine .. the colour amazing.
I am not sure if it is Julia Child or JP Connel .... what ever the name, the smell is just as sweet !
.. this was just a break before I steel myself for more garden adventures ... more bulbs coming in the mail is incentive to kick my butt and do the work that has to be done !
I so want to see it pay off next Spring when the gardens wake up from winter.
Yay for all the pretty colors(-:
I saw the owl tonight. He was waiting for me to come home from a trip through the drive thru.(-: Love the Owls. I wish you could see them too.
My sumac dropped all it's leaves suddenly without turning color. I wonder if it died. Hopefully not but it was really strange. It was a volunteer anyhow so I am sure more will pop up.
So very lovely, your roses are beautiful and doing well.
I'm glad you're better, Joy and have many things 'to do'.
Your sumac is very pretty, I love this shape and color. Your roses bloom til now :0), is 'velvet' rose high or is it climber? I have 'red velvet' and it's 60 cm high.
Super pics ! The blueberries really adds to your garden. I used to lay in bed and think about my list of what I've accomplished and what to do...maybe next year.
So tell me...if you order new plants every year where the heck do you put them ?
Ok, saw your post...wonderful as usual. Can't do the list thing (not now anyway) .Oh Oh Oh saw the girls Emma and Sophie and your captions, well that hit home. WAY TO SWEET !!! Had cats all my life till 10 years ago. We have our Henry because last year I suggested to husband we need a cat or small dog. Of course Henry needed company hence Kai girl. Just a sucker for a hairy face. Still smiling thinking of the girls.
Hey Cindee girl !
I so wish I could see and HEAR those owls !! especially Halloween night now that would be PERFECT ! .. Th Sumac may just be going into a stasis period .. conserving all of it's energy and resources to keep it's roots alive .. so don't worry ... and with volunteers that is extra back-up too !
Hello Karen , thank you for stopping by! I have looked at some of your pictures and they are stunning ... the macros are breath taking !
Nadezda girl hello there, and thank you so much : ) .. Orange velvet is a climber and very hardy .. so far ... and still throwing out roses .. it is amazing.
Patsi girl you are too funny ... I lay in bed thinking about my list and wondering if I can actually get it done .. it is sort of relaxing actually,because I know I can get things done in Spring too .. it is like a little race I set for myself I guess.
I find room for new plants .. now worries there .. this garden is aging and winter usually sticks it to me with a few victims so yes new plants have a home or I will MAKE a home for them? LOL
Thank you so much about my girls ... we love them to bits .. totally indoor cats as all cats should be and spoiled to bits as well .. Your two furry faces are adorable ..I love their names too .. how could anyone say "no" to them ? haha
I think most garden people are animal people too .. we just have lots of love to give : )
I see you are still slaving away up there. It's frosty down here this weekend, so the chores will ease after that. But it's so sad when I have to let go of my zinnias and dahlias. Boohoo!
Your garden always seems to glow. So many lovely things yet. I hope the freeze/frost of this weekend doesn't end it all. My 'to do' list is growing as the season ends. I haven't even thought of bulbs yet. I always want them but then I rarely plant them. Cheers...
Robin girl ... that is the Canadian way eh ! haha ... this morning it was minus 3 so the first really good frost but as the week progresses it will be warmish again with some rain.
So there is a lot of back and forth .. yup letting go is hard to do ... haha
Hello Lisa girl ! My goodness, thank you girl : ) yes we finally have a hard frost so what I haven't gotten to has been wilted a bit .. your to do list will be fine in Spring .. we always are so enthusiastic in Spring after a long hard winter. Girl plant a few bulbs in a little spot you can admire them in .. it will make you smile !
Lists, lists and lists. In fact I've got lists of lists!
I love the colour of your Sumac. I tried to grow it once but it got a bit too wet in winter here for it. I love that yellow rose, it's a stoater (that's scottish for beauty). Nice to see your October garden and good luck getting down those lists Joy :)
Oh Oh tried the baking soda and water. Well now the green turned gray. Thinking I'll do it a few more times and maybe it will turn white. Yes I said "hair" neither dog sheds in fact their hair grows faster than mine...just not right.
Hello Angie girl .. Thank you ! .... just popped over to yours to have a peek and enjoyed seeing how many plants we share .. many of them going strong still ! many that I would like to have as well but my zone won't allow them to be perennials .. gorgeous pictures !
Patsi girl too funny about the hair remark but isn't that the truth. Glad the baking soda is working. Those peppers and that basil are amazing ! You must have wonderful meals with so many different heats and tastes from them all ... I might just consider dabbling a bit with it too?
Nice to know that you can stop and smell the roses and enjoy other autumn beauties in your garden even while you're slogging through your lists! I've started planting bulbs but there are still more to go. The nice thing about autumn is that garden chores can be done at a more leisurely pace than in the spring. Hope you are enjoying every beautiful minute in your garden before it's covered in white!
Hello dear Peter : ) and thank you !
Yes .. more of my bulbs came today but I think that was the last of the mail order .. now I have to plant them all !!!! .. I think that is very true that we are more relaxed with autumn chores and planting bulbs because we know our gardens are going to sleep.. the "white" is coming ... but it will tease us for a bit thankfully .. good luck with your planting and I am amazed with all the plants you keep in that greenhouse of yours !
I finished everything on my list but it was all the stuff that never made it on my list that took the longest! I swore I was done planting but then I went to the nursery.... and had to order a few more plants I loved online.... Your yellow rose is gorgeous whatever its name!
Hello Tammy girl and thank you (I don't think the rose cares what name it has either! haha)
I am so jealous you completed your list .. I am going to try and take a big chunk out of it today, fingers crossed. We had a killing frost last night after the day went up to 20 .. last of those I should think!
More plants? you naughty thing you ... again I am just jealous .. have a great time enjoying them girl!
I have the same long to-do list Joy! I almost feel a sense of panic when I think of all I need to get done and the changing weather. There have been some really nice days, but also a few cold ones that seem to serve as a warning.
My bulbs have arrived in the mail and are waiting to be planted. I find many local stores aren't even carrying bulbs this year, so I am really glad I ordered some by mail.
Love that yellow rose! Have a great weekend Joy!
Hello Jennifer girl !
I am actually knocking some of those list chores off (yesterday was a bone aching day but wow, I even impressed myself !LOL) .. I panic too but I have learned to take a section at a time and I am so lucky to have a fantastic Garden PA !
I too bought 99% of my bulbs through mail order .. the only one I found here was Queen of the Night which I have always wanted to try out.
Don't stress out girl .. you will get things done ... and there is always Spring right ? : )
Take care and have a good weekend too !
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