
Friday, 23 July 2010

Fire in the sky ......

These pictures from this morning's sky show can never convey how absolutely overwhelming and amazing a moment in time this was for me.
Spectacular sunrises may be captured by some pictures but you can never feel the total experience you feel when you see the sky literally on fire with colour.
I've tried to par down to just a few "timed" pictures as it progresses .. I won't explain them all other than that "blank" flag pole of my neighbor's that cuts a ragged vertical line in the horizon .. I know you all know how I feel about that THING ..
For now .. on with the sky show

This is such a small expression of how gorgeous the sky was.

The time was about 6 AM and it kept changing very quickly .. there are so many small details that I saw in person, that you may not pick up on and that is too bad because it was truly profound. Even the lack of "noise" while this was happening was almost eerie .. and we all know I love eerie .. almost a Halloween sky ? ;-)

The cloud formations slowly floating by .. depth, colour, consistency .. if I could have shot it in 3D .. now that you would truly "get" : )

Red sky in morning, sailor take warning ? it is true .. the wind and rain have taken over !


Pat said...

Hey..I start all kinds of things from seed.
Amazing sky shots !
TB...can't stand Tara's bulg'y eyes.

Kyna said...

It is a very 'Halloween' looking sky. O_O It's on FIRE! :D Love those pics!

Tracy said...

Spectacular! I always enjoy your sky pictures

RURAL said...

And weren't you just saying the other day that there was a distinct lack of spectacular sunsets?


Wish I was there.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a good way to begin the day. Happy SWF.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Patsi girl you crack me up ! .. but I know what you mean about Tara and the popping out eye thing .. Franklin is too funny ?
I'm not good with seeds .. some people have the magic touch with them , but not me ? ;-)

Hello Kyna girl ! and thank you .. Halloween is getting closer !! LOL

Thank you so much Tracy .. I didn't expect this one so it was astounding : )

Jen .. I was thinking that having some ocean in the background would have been icing on the cake .. so you were in my thoughts kid ! LOL
Yes .. it was a huge red surprise to me !

Lisa girl it was a perfect "gift" after all the stormy weather .. which is still happening with that steam bath humidity .. yuck !

Anonymous said...

Your sky photos are always amazing. I need to get up earlier or remember to bring my camera out in the morning. ;)

Diana Studer said...

Another Halloween blog for you ;>)