I swear I will take good care of it this time .. and it is all metal .. not heavy cast iron and wood combo I had previously ... that was enough to send me around the bend ;-)
A wonderful grass called Karley Rose (a fountain grass .. pennisetum oriental) is behind the bench within an obelisk .. I just replaced it last year when my mature one sadly died .. I missed it terribly .. you know how you can become attached to favorite plants ?
In any case .. hopefully the work will start tomorrow .. I will be grunting and groaning a lot I am sure but I know that I will love this little spot of mine so much .. I can hardly wait to see the finished oasis ! ... yes .. I am cleaning the bird bath too !
Hi Joy-Girl, I'm going to have to go back a few posts to figure out what work you'll be doing. But for now... What do you mean you don't have room? I LOVE the bench. In fact that first photograph looks like a nursery it's so beautiful. 'Morning Light' is a great grass, for sure and already looks fabulous on both sides of your new bench. Rocks of various sizes really does lend a special texture and character to the setting. I love rocks and grasses together.
Love your header photo!! Your garden is just stupendous, girlfriend.
What a great spot for sitting to enjoy the garden! You've made a great setting for sitting!
That's a nice bench! I love the plants you flanked it with!
You've described/created a near-perfect SETTING for SITTING!
I agree with you about the charm of grasses and pea gravel.
The bench is a lovely additon to your garden and will be a place for you sit and admire all your hard work. Enjoy.
Header is cool...go girl...play,play play.
Smart move with the bench.
I have the wooden and mental ones and the wood just can't handle the weather for years and years.
The grasses look like little fireworks (I know that sounds crazy)how about splashes of light.
Grace girl there you are again !
Room is a little less roomy ? than I would like .. but hey .. I know .. we can't have everything eh ? ;-)
Funny how we zone in on a special spot to make it as close to what we see in our mind's eye ? I just so needed a sitting spot with all of my favorites close by .. rocks, grasses, plants galore and a birdbath .. go figure ? I think they may think, I am doing this all for them ? bird brains ? haha .. but they are welcome to enjoy the spa ? wink wink
I was so lucky to know what grass I wanted and shazam ! on sale too ? how good can it get ?!! LOL
Dear Dave thank you very much !.. I think there is a one liner joke in there some where "Setting for Sitting" but it is going to take me a while to work it out .. heat causes brain cell die off more quickly and replenishing is SO much SLOWER now a days ? haha
Hi there meems and thank you .. it is a favorite spot of mine .. as soon as I get it nearly finished ?
Hello Rebecca ! I think you and Dave have been on the same plane of thought ! "Setting for Sitting" I may have to change the title to the post to that because it is perfect : ).. nothing like the sound of pea gravel under your shoes eh ?
Linda I have lusted after this bench nearly all season .. there were only two left in boxes so I was VERY glad to get it in time .. I am loving this spot that used to be wasted space : )
Patsi girl .. TB on tonight .. maybe Tara will stop with the buggy eye look ? LOL
Yup .. I had an older heavy bench with wood and metal and it was not ideal to say the least. You are perfectly right about the grasses like fireworks ! the colour of the ribs look like darts of light and I love that airy look to the way they fall .. I'm a happy gardener : )
I can imagine sitting there, watching the butterflies and listening to the birds. it will be heavenly! You have created an idyllic spot. I also love your header! I wish I could do something like that with my own blog. I have no idea how to do it!
Hey thank you deb !
I have always wanted to do something with this little area and I imagined this a long time in my head .. so finally it is coming together : )
I used to be frightened of changing anything with my blog .. but it isn't as scary now with the new templates .. give it a try .. change one little thing at a time and experiment .. you will be fine !
Joy your planting choices for that sitting area is very nice..I think it's perfect"... it's certainly is cute, I love the bench..
I love Morning Light, it does get quite large but I think your setting can take it. It looks idylic!
oh YES I love it. Grasses are my favouites too. Just wait until we get this new house - grasses everywhere! I want to sit on your bench, I'll bring my own book and water and be very quiet and enjoy it. Looks beautiful and the idea of largeer random pebbles is cool xxxx
Miscanthus s.'Morning Light' is there a more beautiful grass? Sadly, I am in far too much shade for it to do anything other than sputter and die before my eyes. Its shade grasses from now on! Love the bench and the idea of a private oasis from which to revel in the beauty of your gardens!
That bench is lovely! I'm sure you'll have many happy hours there, just lazing, dreaming, planning...
And with all those coneflowers you'll be joined by all the butterflies in the vicinity too. True butterfly magnets!
Joy, what a lovely spot to sit and contemplate the garden! Great bench and I love the grasses. "A bench of one's own..." ;-)
It already looks great before you've even done the work. I love that bench, we have one of those ridiculously heavy cast iron and wood ones, it takes two strong people to move it anywhere. Your flowers around the sitting area are so pretty!
Hi there Vetsy and thank you ! I wanted this space for so long .. years in fact ! but waiting each year for the area to "unfold" and reveal itself was a process I just had to go through ? Fingers crossed for the "end result" ! : )
Hello Eileen : ) .. I did consider the size issue with this grass .. and I am thinking that because it will not get absolutely direct sun for the full time .. that splattered light shade might keep it under its full potential a bit .. but none the less I am ready for it to "grow" and look amazing : )
Carrie girl you are most welcome to sit on my bench with me .. I'll even throw in a very Canadian "Tim's
treat for us both .. that way you will never want to leave ? LOL
I know that your new little nest is going to look absolutely beautiful when you and Andrew put your ideas together and shape your own little oasis girl ! : )
Barry Barry Barry how are ya' ! LOL
Yes .. the shade issue can be a bit tricky .. but lucky for us who do have major shade areas there are gorgeous grasses that love those conditions : ) This little spot is able to support these big beauties for a while hopefully .. and my dream bench oasis will look the way I have envisioned it ? ahhhh !! : )
Hello Sunita girl ! : )
Thank you so much : ) .. indeed .. the amazing cone flowers I have lend a special touch and is the supporting cast to my grasses as they do "their thing" so well .. I am a lucky gardener : )
Ms S : ) Thank you !
You have said it perfectly as well as the other cohorts with a "setting for sitting" .. a bench of one's own is a very common thread with us gardeners isn't it ? we seem to crave that type of spot for garden contemplation ? LOL
Catherine girl thank you : )
I think that the word got out .. we don't like those ridiculous heavy wood and cast iron benches .. we want light weight and a subtle design that will suit all gardens ? and is flexible to our changing tastes ? fingers crossed ! : )
Hi there Vetsy and thank you ! I wanted this space for so long .. years in fact ! but waiting each year for the area to "unfold" and reveal itself was a process I just had to go through ? Fingers crossed for the "end result" ! : )
Hello Eileen : ) .. I did consider the size issue with this grass .. and I am thinking that because it will not get absolutely direct sun for the full time .. that splattered light shade might keep it under its full potential a bit .. but none the less I am ready for it to "grow" and look amazing : )
Carrie girl you are most welcome to sit on my bench with me .. I'll even throw in a very Canadian "Tim's
treat for us both .. that way you will never want to leave ? LOL
I know that your new little nest is going to look absolutely beautiful when you and Andrew put your ideas together and shape your own little oasis girl ! : )
Barry Barry Barry how are ya' ! LOL
Yes .. the shade issue can be a bit tricky .. but lucky for us who do have major shade areas there are gorgeous grasses that love those conditions : ) This little spot is able to support these big beauties for a while hopefully .. and my dream bench oasis will look the way I have envisioned it ? ahhhh !! : )
Hello Sunita girl ! : )
Thank you so much : ) .. indeed .. the amazing cone flowers I have lend a special touch and is the supporting cast to my grasses as they do "their thing" so well .. I am a lucky gardener : )
Ms S : ) Thank you !
You have said it perfectly as well as the other cohorts with a "setting for sitting" .. a bench of one's own is a very common thread with us gardeners isn't it ? we seem to crave that type of spot for garden contemplation ? LOL
Catherine girl thank you : )
I think that the word got out .. we don't like those ridiculous heavy wood and cast iron benches .. we want light weight and a subtle design that will suit all gardens ? and is flexible to our changing tastes ? fingers crossed ! : )
You will have a lovely seat to rest upon after all your toil in the garden. Your eyes can rest upon it when you aren't seated there.
I love the crunch of pea gravel too! And yes, a place to sit is definitely something too! A very important something, in my opinion. Your new bench is lovely, congratulations on finding the right one! I have my eye on a bench too, but haven't found the perfect spot yet...
I love the new bench, it really looks great in that area. The surrounding plantings and other decorative objects really complement it nicely. :)
Hi Joy. Love your new bench and it makes such a pretty spot to set among your garden of Coneflowers and the new grasses. Enjoy your 'Time Outs' on the bench LOL!
Lisa you are so right : ) what ever we place in our gardens has to be multifunctional .. practical and lovely to look at ? and I am so hoping this works out to fill all of those needs .. I am a NEEDY person/gardener ? LOL
Thank you Rebecca girl : )
This took me a long time .. I couldn't justify getting another bench when we threw out the old one .. but then when Millar our stone guy/miracle worker took up that part of the patio .. things began to click .. I know your bench dream will click too girl ! You just have to keep looking : )
Racquel girl thank you ! .. I just need to get out there and get things in hand and actually get this project going and finished .. it has been crazy here and pretty soon that old fetal position and sucking of the thumb is going to happen if I don't get garden time VERY soon ? LOL
Lona girl that is SO truthful in so many ways how can I explain right now .. you wouldn't believe it if I did .. this day has been beyond insane and I didn't get out there .. but by hook or by crook .. TOMMORROW is GARDEN DAY !!! .. look out bench here I come for one heck of a time out !!
Joy, what a great bench, and I love the grass with it. I am all about the cruch of pea gravel as well, in fact when we had a burglar at our house in Kingston, that was what gave him away!
OMG ! Deborah !
So now every time I hear a "crunch" I am going to think of you and that burglar ? LOL
I became a fan of it because it is used so often and so many places in Europe .. I love to copy my Dutch experience as much as possible .. and the kid in me loves those little stones ? LOL
Great bench! I think your plans for the grass and the pea gravel sound great.
I love that bench. I really mean I am envious of it. My next garden/patio, is going to have a similar arrangement. I first got the idea at the poet Longfellow's garden in Portland.
The grass is perfect there.
Thanks Jennifer !
It looks fabulous this morning .. even through the haze of my aches and pains ;-) .. I loved your lily post girl !
Sandy girl ! .. now that is a wonderful reference to base your project on : ) .. I can not remember how I put this together .. perhaps those years living in Holland ? garden books ? blogs ? an accumulation of them all ? .. it is quite beautiful this morning and knowing I did it myself is wonderful ! : )
I would love to sit on the bench and chat with you~What a treat that would be. Joy, your garden looks delightful~gail
Hello there Gail : ) and thank you so much ! Funny thing is when I look at the bench and see some of the "Susan's" there I automatically think of your bench and Susan's .. now wouldn't that be a treat indeed to chat ;-)
When I purchased our Iron and Wood bench, I was too cheap to pay the higher price for the all Metal one. I so wish I had spent the few extra bucks for the metal one. This one will last you for years and I hope the grass and other surrounding beauties will as well.
Emma on the chair and railing cracked me up. My kitties do such funny things at times but difficult to photo a black cat as all you see if a blurb! LOL...
Seen any Racoons lately? Sorry, I just had to ask... I have told your story to so many people over the weeks since I read that story. I was laughing with you and not at you. hee hee...
Your sky pics are awesome as always...
Skeeter girl .. I have SO been there, done that with those outrageous heavy wood and cast iron benches .. i think a few pulled muscles will keep that memory fresh for some time too !
Yes .. I bit the bullet for the more expensive metal one .. I pined ? away for it so I knew I was going to get it sooner or later ? LOL .. I have played this scene over in my head so many times .. yes .. empty .. but able to "picture this!" haha
Emma scares the crackers out of me when she does that .. cats seem to enjoy us more when we are crazy ?
Raccoons ... if I never see another one ? type saying ! BUT .. Kingston is RACCOON CITY .. there ! the word is out now !!
Yes Skeeter .. I know .. what would you do without me and my sagas girl ?? ;-) LOL
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