
Friday, 13 August 2010

Garden Moments Past

I have had to go a little back in time to do a proper "garden plants" post .. being laid up with this naughty , cranky .. body which moans and groans ... well you know all about it anyways eh ?
I thought this was a pretty morning one to start off with .. sort of a morning glow picture ?
I caught Mr. Mystery in my garden and he just gave me "that look" and left with dignity in tact for both of us ?
My mini "hedge-row" of Provence lavenders in the wrap around bed .. it hides the anemone until they are tall enough to grace their space ?
I was totally shocked to find a rouge Morning Glory plant that decided to sneak in under my garden radar ? I have no idea where it came from !
It is a pretty .. pink ? girl ... but look at her whiskers ?
She just quietly "shines' among the regular line of garden characters ;-)
Ahhhhh ! the gift of my neighbor .. this beautiful hibiscus that puts up with a lot of neglect .. almost looks like a rose bud doesn't it ?
Pinkish ruffles unfolding ...
Now this is on purpose and heaven knows if it will bloom .. my Moon Flower vine .. I have tried so many years to get this vine to flower ... but it seems like mission impossible .. what the heck is the trick to this thing ?? Come on you gardeners .. some one knows something !!!
Since I haven't been able to be in the garden .. well Morden Sunrise has grown huge and it really shouldn't in its first year .. I like to keep them at a moderate if not small shape ... especially in a small bed like this .. she is there to keep Zephirine Drouhin company
A close up is called for .. because there are NO aphids on her right now .. and that is a miracle ? !
Last but not least is my bench .. even with all of the misery with the body going nuts .. I still love my garden bench : )
How could you not love a place for quiet contemplation of your belly button ? ;-)


Heather at Dusty Bay said...

Your garden looks lovely! Happy & healthy.... I may know what that vine is, I'll let you know if it's what I think it is!

Unknown said...

Joy, I'm so very sorry that you're having a tough time. I can so relate, as you know, but I am able to get out and putter a little bit some days without having too much pain afterwards. Your photos are gorgeous as always. Here's wishing you a faster recuperation and offering hugs across the miles. xx jodi

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a pretty morning glory. I grew a pink and white one a few years ago. I didn't like that when it seeded itself it went back to blue. Pity. Take care of yourself.

Lona said...

Hi Joy girl. When you get better just wear that bench out sitting on it.LOL!It is a beautiful spot I just hate it your body is paying for it now.
Feel better.
Have a wonderful weekend.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hi Heather and thank you ! .. I have been lucky there has been enough rain to keep it green ? for a while longer!

Jodi girl thank you so much : ) Hard to believe we can survive all the pain that we do have isn't it ? but that connection to our gardens and our love of plants .. I think it saves us in a way, so we don't go completely NUTS ? LOL Hope you keep feeling brighter too girl !

Lisa girl it surprised me a LOT ! i don't know where it came from but I'm watching it unfold and making sure it behaves ? Thanks girl : )

Lona girl thanks you ! I think I might just take your advice to the MAX ! haha .. I keep looking at it and thinking .. darn ! I should have made it a two day project and maybe I wouldn't have wrecked myself ? haha have a great weekend too !

Viooltje said...

Lol @ the quiet contemplation of your bellybutton. But rather then laugh, I would just love that in my worst misery days I could be placed on this lovely bench and let the magic of shadow&light play upon my restless mind. And may all of the earthly pains go away...

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Violet girl .. every time I look at my garden bench it gives me something back .. even with the injury I caused myself doing the rocks .. it has me mesmerized ? You are most welcome at any time : )