
Saturday, 21 August 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday !

Well here we are again .. I think I must be having a "Groundhog Day" month because it feels like I just accomplished one of these posts yesterday ?? .. just too many things happening week after week .. but it is even more important during these times when we are DIZZY ? .. to slow down and appreciate those beautiful shadows and I have to say I love this one because the flower was such a surprise .. a gift and so were the perfect shadows.
There are many more shadow gifts from wonderful shadow shooters for Tracy's meme over at Hey Harriet .. so make sure to make the time to visit while you take a moment for yourself.


Ralph said...

This is a great shadow montage - the changes in lighting adds depth, character and a wonderful beauty. Lovely flowers!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thank you Ralph those few moments when this presented itself ? to me .. it was so quiet and beautiful .. just one of those precious shots when time stands still almost ? : )

EG CameraGirl said...

I think the composition here is outstanding!

JayLeigh said...

The shadows combined with the pretty flower make this picture so beautiful and special!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thank you EG : ) I was in the right place at the right time ! LOL

Thank you JayLeigh .. it set the alarm bells off when I saw it developing for sure : )

Christine said...

VERY, very nice shot! Thanks for sharing it.

Linda said...

That looks like a sweet potato vine ... am I close? Very nice shadow photo this week. Yes the weeks are just zooming by. I love the new blog header photo too.

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous shot. The combination of the flower and the shadows is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful the contrast between the smooth green leaves and the rigid angles of the shadows. A perfect shot...


Gemma Wiseman said...

A perfect balance of colour and shadow all courtesy of Nature! So romantic!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Christine girl and thank you ! My trip to your little corner is way over do ! : )

Yes Linda ! Thank you girl !
You could have knocked me over with a feather (ok .. a BIG feather) when I saw the flower.. I had no idea they could flower like that !

Thank you N&P : ) I saw it just in time to capture the combo and I was very pleased to see a little flower on this vine !

Thank you Lynette : ) it did seem to have all the right elements for contrast and shadow . I was very lucky to catch it !

Hello GT and yes .. I agree with you one hundred percent .. this is all courtesy of nature and very much appreciated !

A Wild Thing said...

'SIMPLY' wonderful, a sweet garden the header, is that a 'rattlesnake master' seed pod, looks like the wild indigo plants in my lil' prairie.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Sweet Repose and thank you !
It is Blue False Indigo /Baptisia Australis .. and it is one of my first original garden plants .. it takes a while to establish but it is so worth it : )
I love the foliage .. the flowers and then these great rattle pods in black .. Halloweeny !! LOL

Mrs. M said...

Beautiful photo! Simple but lovely.

Have a nice day.

Anca Pandrea said...

Lovely shadows, thanks for sharing!
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Joy -- and I love your new header photo!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thank you Mrs.M@TLC : ) You too !

Thank you Anka : )

Thank you Nancy girl : ) I loved it the minute I saw it uploaded from my camera !