An icon of butterflies or frogs dangled by a wire, leaving them free to twirl and spin if need be.
The affect in their shadow is that this link is invisible as you can see by its shadow !
Now how cool is that ? .. Other magic tricks, by way of very special pictures, have been taken by "shadow shooters" over at Hey Harriet .. hosted by Tracy who's talents are rather magical for having us all come together and share them : )
That shadow looks so cool! :-)
What a terrific shadow shot! I love it! I always love the shadows made by wrought iron, garden stuff! Hope you have a great weekend!
The shadows are neat, looking as if they are alive. The shapes are wonderful, the bottom one my favorite as I see a dragonfly - imaginative shadows!
Great froggy shadow.
Hey there!
Love your stakes!
Looks like I saved the palm in my yard from my husband, but will now be pulling out some of the paths that I redid but that never worked out too well, so now we will till and plant them.
Hope your safe and warm, Lady Abigail sends her love, she's trying to figure out what to wear for her big party coming up. Only 56 days left to go, what will she wear?
A much ghotic way but in a very romantic touch shot!
Nice photo. Shadow Shot Sunday. Hum.
LOVE garden art...but soon it'll all be covered in that fluffy white stuff...the bright side...great for shadows!!!
That is so cool! So you are a big fan of halloween? I'm guessing that it is celebrated in Canada on a large scale just like it is in America? Sadly we don't really celebrate it over here in a big way. The day can come and pass without many people even realising. I wish it was a big deal over here as it sounds/looks so much fun! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
You caught it at just the right moment.
I like the shadow shot! Looks like it's just in mid air!
I've been away from shadow shot posts for a few weeks, good to be back and visit.
Nice job on this one.
JayLeigh thank you ! Happy SSS to you girl !
Sylvia I don't know how you get around to so many of us : ) thank you! I am a huge fan of wrought iron garden art and these stakes won me over FAST ! LOL Happy SSS
Hello there Ralph .. this one does look alive ! and it took me a few seconds but I did see that dragon fly image you discovered for me !
Thanks Lisa girl : ) you can never have enough froggies in the garden, right ? LOL
Cat girl how are you ! and thank you : )I am so glad you saved the palm .. it really needed to stay in your garden : ) I will be so curious to see what Lady Abigail will finally chose for the BIG party ! .. I am thinking accessories for Princess Pumpkinhead ? maybe the girls too ? LOL .. 55 days !!! LOL
Hello Chubz and thank you for stopping by : ) I meant to leave a comment on your blog about the shopping trip to IKEA ? LOL I so wish we had one here too : )
GWGT : ) I think you should think about joining in ? You will be amazed at how you look at things now with shadows in mind !
Sweet Repose I sort of refuse to think past Halloween yet so you are way ahead of me ! LOL .. but you are right about the shadows on the white fluffy stuff .. it will be VERY interesting !
Hey Harriet !! LOL Tracy I am glad you got over the flu girl .. not a great thing to go through .. yuck !
I will never forget my lost weekend with it on the bathroom floor ! haha .. I am a big KID about Halloween .. I usually get so excited about it I poop out the night of and husband has to give the candy away to the kids .. LOL
You would have a blast over here girl ! ;-)
Hello Wanderlust Thank you !
I so was so lucky ! In fact I didn't think it was going to turn out the way it did but seeing it on my laptop it was a WOW !!
Hello there Spadoman : ) G;ad you could drop by and thank you ! I have to make the rounds myself .. been a bit out of the picture too .. must be something going on ? ;-)
You're right...that is so cool! A perfect shot for SSS...:)
Can't seem to do a shadow shot...need to spend more time outside. They are pretty cool.
Thank you Imaginationlane ! just one of those moments when it clicks and still more detail than I thought I saw too ! LOL
Patsi girl .. no new episode of TB last night .. I am not a happy camper .. and if they kill off Eric ? aarrgghh !
You will see the shadows soon girl just keep looking !
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