
Saturday, 13 November 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

This picture is one of my very favorites .. the subtle light and shading makes you feel mellow whether you want to or not ? ... I can use all of the "mellow" feeling possible . So I am going to make a point of staring at this picture a LOT ? ;-)
Tracy from "Hey Harriet" created this perfect meme .. the only one I have been able to stick to in fact .. so the call of the "shadows and light" is one very strong impulse for me .. I haven't looked at pictures the same since I joined .. and I want to thank Tracy for that !
Thank YOU Tracy : )


jabblog said...

Very, very pretty and worthy of much staring :-)

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what a delightful shadow shot! And, yes, I'd spend a LOT of time looking at it, too! Hope you have a great weekend!


Dani said...

wow. Today I took a similar photo. Will post it soon.

I really love it.

Have a sunny Sunday.

Alissa Nicolau said...

Gorgeous leaves.

EG CameraGirl said...

Thanks! I could use a bit of mellow today too! :)

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful light and shadows. You're right, we are learning to think of things differently.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Linda said...

lovely shadow photo for this week

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Another good one Joy. Since reading your blog I have looked at shadows much more. I have been tempted to join in. Maybe sometime.

Shirley said...

I like the variation of colours in these leaves. Nice capture.

Arija said...

I think I'll join you, I could use some mellowing myself.

Tessa said...

I love it- another really great 'image' joy- you inspire me, that is for sure.


Hey Harriet said...

No. Thank YOU! I'm so glad that you're enjoying playing along SSS! I can see why this photo is one of your favourites! It's stunning!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

Anonymous said...

such a peaceful photo. Charmaine

Anonymous said...

The light and shadow really are beautiful.

fer said...

Beautiful photo! I can see why is one of your favorites

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello there jabblog and thank you very much ! I'm still staring for the mellow feeling ;-) hehe

Sylvia girl thank you : ) yup we all need some more mellow in our lives don't we ?;-)

Hello the Dani ! I have to get over to your place and appreciate your leaves too girl : )

Thank you Alissa for stopping by and nice comment on my leaves !

Hey there EG .. the mellow stores should be full before we get hit with the white stuff eh ? haha

Yes Kay it is amazing how your eye is reprogrammed or would that be our brain ? to look for the details more closely now .. thanks girl !

Thanks Linda .. this weather is AMAZING !! we worked outside yesterday most of the day .. still could do a bit more .. the shed is very scary ? haha

Lisa girl thank you and take your time .. now that you are seeing more detail with light and shadow it does change your perception of taking pictures doesn't it ?

Thanks Shirley it was one of those moments when the sun was just right and you have to be quick because it changes so fast !

You are more than welcome to join the mellow band Arija ! We all can use some of it : )

Tessa girl thank you ! hey maybe you might think of joining some time or now that you are looking at shadows/lighting you will start SEEING more details in your pictures and that is always great!

Tracy girl I am so glad to have found your meme .. it is making me a better photographer and that is a GOOD thing !! You must be almost into Monday now .. hope the weekend was a great one : )

Thank you Charmaine .. it is strange how some pictures can have such an impact on your mood isn't it ? This one is mellow : )

Hello there VP : ) it is simple yet complex I find .. the more you look the more little details seem to unfold .. yet it is so relaxing too!

Thank you fer : ) sometimes photos that look simple and straightforward .. well you begining to see how detailed they are and how interesting they can be ! : )

Gail said...

Hello my friend, Being a 'foul weather blogger' has kept me in the garden and away from the computer and visiting with dear friends! Loved catching up on your posts~your frosty photos are gorgeous! Have a wonderful Sunday and an even better week~xogail

Pat said...

Amazing how you find shadows...nice.
Wow, you sure are finding some cool blog designs.
Think I need a new design...but then again...I'll just keep changing it.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hi Gail girl I also have been trying to catch up as well .. garden therapy was in full swing yesterday so that was wonderful .. even with the aches and pains I loved every second of it!

Patsi girl I keep experimenting too .. I caught on to how to swap out designs without losing my mind so .. so far so good ? LOL
I think that is what is great about our blogs we keep changing with them ? ;-)

Anonymous said...

There are probably a lot of us that could use some more "mellow" in our lives!! I hope it gives you that Joy. It's definitely a beauty.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Kathleen girl : ) Yup .. "mellow" atmosphere is a VERY good thing .. and some how this picture does it for me ? LOL