
Saturday, 27 August 2011

Saturday Shadow Shot

Yes .. once again opportunity presented itself and I have Curly Joe the 4th here .. you might not have followed how many times I have tried to see the whole cycle of caterpiller to butterfly in my garden and pots .. so many times these little guys left home without even a note to say "thanks for the food but I have to leave now?" I was crushed every time .. so now I have this little guy in his own condo and food non stop if need be .. I am holding my breath ! eeeekkk !
This also seemed to serve for Shadow Shot time too .. I hope .. a little life cycle drama and some shadows thrown in ?
Tracy over at Hey Harriet is our "ring master" so have a look and see how many shadows were captured for today !


Sylvia K said...

What fantastic shadow shots for the day! Such beautiful green color and I do love that Curly Joe! Really delightful captures for the day! Happy SSS! Enjoy your weekend!

What fantastic shadow shots for the day! Love the beautiful green color and that

Linda said...

Curly Joe is very cute. Sure hope you get to see the lifecycle this time.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Sylvia I got yur other comment about cutting and pasting .. don't worry!! You are too tired and you need a break : ) I really loved seeing that chair in your collage .. it looks perfect for dozzing in ! LOL

Linda I swear I am going to see the whole show this time .. he is eating and (pooping) up a storm so it must be close to the right time!

A Wild Thing said...

Yes, to answer your question about Louie, he is still among the living...he is such a good bird, compared to his royal pain in the arse 'Big'...still too early to tell which will get the ax, but there are days when I could wring Big's neck right on the spot.

I have to laugh, there's an ol gal that lives down the street from me, she has chickens too and says her rooster gets her every time she goes to the coop. That was one of the good things my husband always did for me...when a roo got bad, a roo got et...yummm!!!

It is so dry here in Iowa, the leaves are drying up on the trees, I have given up on my flower gardens, the hosta are flat...very disappointing for this gardener...but at least it isn't snowing!!!

Have a great Sunday and rest easy, no chicken dinners in my future...yet...LOL!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Are the squishy, squashy green wormy thingies part of your garden joy too?


Shadows of onyx, shadows of grey,
Shadows to chase my doldrums away;
Shadows each morning, shadows at night,
Shadows, O shadows, you’re my delight!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadows of Mexico here and here

Beverley Baird said...

What great shots of the caterpillar - it will be interesting to see the whole cycle!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Great shot! Funny...I think that same guy was on my parsley last year :) they must be drawn to that - lol!! Enjoy yoru week!

Chubskulit Rose said...

So pretty!

My shadow, post, have a blessed Sunday!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Cool! Hope you get a butterfly(-:

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Phew ! Sharon I dreaed asking but I just had to .."Big" is naughty so he has a minus with his name right ? LOL
I'm sorry it is so dry there girl .. we have cooler gray weather today .. it was sunny and warm yesterday while I worked in the garden ..I truly hope you get some rain soon!! .. best regards to Louie (hope he can run a lot faster than Big !! hehehe)

Joe most every thing alive is all in the garden cycle for me .. but I do hate aphids, bad beetles, earwigs !! eeekkk ! I appreciate worms and spiders that eat bugs .. I hardly ever see a ladybug sadly enough : (

Beverly I so hope he/she? will go through the whole cycle for me to see .. it would be my first time in fact .. so fingers crossed .. your shadows were great girl .. I loved that heart !

Hey SKG : ) they love parsley and fennel and dill .. I plant them all each year hoping to draw more butterflies in .. but having lost them at crucial stages (they took off eh!) I am making sure to see this one through ;-)

Thank you very much Chub : ) you too!

Cindee girl thank you and I hope the school year won't drive you crazy ? LOL

Cassie said...

How smart of you to provide Curly Joe with his own condo and YOU with your own viewing arena!! Now let him try to escape without so much as a thank you. hehe. Happy SSS.

Hootin Anni said...

This photo trio is like a work of art coming right out of a National Geographic Magazine. Incredible.

My Week's Summary & Shadow Shot

Ms. Becky said...

hey, I love your new look here. and it's fantastic that you're raising a butterfly. as a caterpillar he's a beauty. that's a nice shadow shot too! happy day to you.

Lola said...

Love that Curly Joe. Maybe he'll stay long enough. Great shadows.
Do hope you are ok.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Cassie girl after having 3 other CJ leave home without even a little goodbye I am making sure this one stays put for the show : )

Anni girl you are making me blush with such praise ;-) keep it up OK? LOL .. I better see the whole process this time or you will hear me all the way down there ! haha

Thanks Ms Becky .. I keep playing with the settings until I like something ... for a while ? haha
Yes Curly Joe the 4th better do his thing all the way through this time!

Lola girl we have been having a very windy day here .. power went off for a while but not too bad .. I keep wondering how the people in the middle of this big blow are doing .. wish mom nature would be kinder! ;-)

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice photos.


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thank you very much Tatjanna : )