
Saturday, 3 September 2011

Shadow Shot Time

 It seems the theme for today is white on white with some shadows thrown in for good measure ?
Time has flown by and even though I was so ready for Autumn it has arrived with a bit of a bang and still in hot humid and dry spell mode .. which of course is not good for the garden .. I was spoiled by our few mornings of wonderful crisp cool air .. I want it back right now darn it !!
In the mean time this is a little creature that landed long enough for me to capture it's shadow as well as itself.
I couldn't resist adding my Winchester Cathedral rose with its glowing white presence .. I really am impressed by it .. one of the great plant purchases for 2011 !
As for the shadowy side of things ? .. visit Tracy at her blog Hey Harriet and see some wonderful shadows from all over the world ;-)


Unknown said...

Beautiful rose :) It reminds me of the roses in Alice in Wonderland but who would ever want to paint these red?

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Sweet butterfly shadow.

Carolyn ♥ said...

I see you're revving up for Halloween. Oh Joy! I'll join you on October 1st.

Cassie said...

Your ShadowShots today are ethereal. White on white. Very nice! Happy SSS to you.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice photos.


Linda said...

Cool moth shadow photo. I was enjoying those cooler non humid mornings too, but today is absolutly awful, so muggy and clammy. Summer hasn't left us yet, still got several more days left.
I love your photo of the white pumpkin with the keys on it. (on your sidebar) Have a great weekend.

Ralph said...

I always thought of Canada as the great white north, but Kingston is not all that far North, so the normal humidity stays around there, too...

Your garden relies on your caring work, so the mix of cool and warm may wreak a bit of damage to the flowers. Your careful tending of all flora mens they will still look great until the real cold weather returns. Nice shots!

Sylvia K said...

What gorgeous shadow shots for the day! I love them both and a "white day" it is! Fantastic! Hope you have a beautiful weekend! Enjoy!


Kyna said...

Dude, after the hurricane we had a few days of having very cool nights, and lukewarm days. Now it's back to hot again until October. Theeeeeen the nice weather starts again :D

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The white rose suffused with delicate shadows is simply lovely!


I love my shadow,
My shadow loves me;
We chat together
And don’t disagree!

My shadow and I
Prefer not to shout
As we go walking
And rambling about.

My shadow’s so wise,
I ask what she thinks;
She’s happy to share,
And then nods and winks.

My shadow and I
Are best buds, you see;
That’s why we try hard
To always agree!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Arroyo Shadows

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such beauties!

Anonymous said...

Really nice images!!

Kay L. Davies said...

Delicate white creature and its shadow, but I'd say overshadowed by that beautiful rose. It's fabulous.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Hey Harriet said...

I like your little shadowy critter and your lovely rose! Happy Labor Day to you! I'm sorry for not mentioning Canada in my Labor Day wishes on my post. I'm a goofball! The post has now been edited. Thanks for letting me know! :) xo

Beverley Baird said...

Those roses are gorgeous! Ihave been loving our garden this year - must be the hot weather!
That little insect is a great shot!
Happy labour Day!

Anonymous said...

great shadows! but the bug has got to go.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Tanya thank you very much !
I am also very impressed with this rose .. it is its first year and how true is that ? no painting red on these roses! LOL

Thanks Lisa it was a sweet little thing flittering around and then finally resting so I could take a shot : )

Carolyn girl hellow there .. I need to start my engines soon for the beginning of my most favourite month is too RIGHT !! LOL

Cassie girl Happy SSS too and since we are back in that horrible heat/humidity weather ethereal is the setting of the day ;-)

Hello Tatyana and thank you !

Hello there Linda girl and thank you ! .. yes this crappy heat and humidity is back yet again and I hate it .. I am trying to THINK cool crisp October SOON !!!

Hello Mr. Ralph : )
Yes we are not so far north that we can escape this horrible hot sticky weather and it does play havoc on the garden for sure. It still amazes me when I hear some Americans still belive as soon as you cross our border you become instantly COLD ? LOL makes for a lot of laughter? wink wink

Thanks Sylvia girl : ) hope you are having a great long weekend too !

Dudette ! glad the hurricane didn't scare the bejesus out of you ;-) hehehe .. I can't wait for cool crisp October days since we are back to heat and humidity yet again .. in fact we were hotter here one day compared to Rockhill South Carolina !!! eeekkkk !!!

MMT thank you very much, as my white rose thanks you as well!
So .. your shadow is a woman ? LOL

Thank you chubskulit : )

Thank you natty : )

Kay thank you girl and yes the white rose is my favourite (for now) it has such a rich quality against the deep green foliage .. I keep taking pictures of it!

Tracy girl you are NOT a goofbal .. I am embarrassed to have been so .. outspoken? I had to go back and say OOPS ! to yougirl .. you are too sweet a character to be the target of my menopausal outburst! LOL

Beverly girl thank you : ) It has been a weird garden year for me .. but a few goodies have been shining through which makes it worth while : )

Hello there TDB : ) thank you but I am a gardener and the nice bugs might have to stay .. as for the bad bugs ? I so totally agree with you there ! haha

A Wild Thing said...

Boy, I know what you mean by Fall hitting us with a bang, it was 88 degrees yesterday, then bang thunderstorm and 67 degrees, I'm sitting with a sweatshirt on waiting for the executioner to arrive...I know I know, but you should see how Big picks on poor Louie AND ME...the hen house just isn't big enough for 2 roos...sooooo...

Try to have a wonderful Autumn day, though I sorta ruined it for ya, but it is what it is on the quasi-farm!

Jennifer said...

That little white moth casts quite the long shadow! Yesterday was so hot and humid that it did not seem like fall at all- more like summer was enjoying a second coming! Thank goodness it is a bit cooler today. Enjoy your long weekend!
P.S. Love all the pumpkins in the side bar!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful rose it is!
I am not fast enough to get a shot of any butterflies in my back yard. They never land long enough for me. :)

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Very pretty Joy! I hope you're enjoying the long weekend. :)

Ralph said...

I must have been Thinking of Canada Day in July as (without looking it up) being Labour Day up there. Apologies, and good wishes for a day of no labour (or labor around here :), and relaxing garden tending!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Sharon girl ;-) You didn't ruin it for me .. I knew you had to do something soon! I am glad Louie is staying and Mr. Big is the one going (such is life and death eh ?)
I have been going back and forth with being cold and hot .. maybe it is the "long weekend bug" ? LOL
Good luck with the event .. my eyes are closed tightly now ! hehehe

Jennifer thank you girl : )
I am still in awe of those gorgeous soft pink glads .. my mind might be changed about them for future reference !
I wish we could switch to cool clear Autumn days and nights right now ! LOL

Joan I know what you mean .. I have missed so many pretty shots of them because they are so quick or skittish .. this one seemed to need a rest so I could catch him/her !

Thanks Rebecca girl and I hope you are having a great long weekend too!!

Ralph you are too sweet to me .. thank you! No worries .. I'll get you sorted out yet ? LOL

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

What a gorgeous rose...we must agree :) good choice for this year! Love your moth/butterfly pretty with the white against the white! Enjoy your week Joy!
Karla & Karrie

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thanks girls (I'm a sucker for a white rose : ) Hey have a great weekend, what is left of it, too Karla & Karrie : )


White is good! I love your little butterfly visitor and of course that rose is spectacular.

Beverley Baird said...

had to let you know that the lily is gone now - but hadn't used the shadow before so included it! Yes the top flower is a glad. We've been getting lots oof rain and thunder tonight.
Have a wonderful week!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thanks Grace girl : ) I do have a thing for white roses .. I think they glow they are so special .. sadly not a lot of them have good strong fragrance. But I will take what I can get ;-)

Hello again Bev girl so it is a glad ! Hey the lily is great no matter the timing girl LOL .. we have had just a sprinkle .. not enough by any means .. heat and humidity is driving me crazy ! argh!!

Hey Harriet said...

Hi Joy! Just me again wanting to say that I didn't think your comment was in the least bit harsh! Seriously, all good sweetie! I prefer to know about these things than to not know. The world is very American-centric, even here in Australia we're very Americanised. Our emergency number is 000 over here, but because so many people phone 911 due to all of the American influences they've set things up so a call to 911 will divert to 000. Haha! Just one of the many examples of how American we've become, so I totally get what you mean :) xo

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Tracy girl I can be a bit blunt at times (menopausal ME;-) so I feel a bit red faced after the fact .. I just didn't want you to get that part of me ? LOL
OMG .. wait till I tell husband about the number thing .. that is remarkable but totally understandable for we Canadians having to do that but for you guys down there ? I am flabbergasted !!!
Yes .. the world is TOO Americanized .. but we sort of have to be careful .. our daughter-in-law is American and such a sweetheart, she gets how Americans can appear to the rest of us so we can crack a few jokes .. but JEEZ!!! hahaha