
Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Stuff and Nonsense

Morning Light miscanthus actually in morning light is gorgeous .. although the quality of the picture is a wee bit lacking I think you get the idea that this grass is a beauty !
Fog in the morning can be VERY eerie .. so quiet and still and cloaked in a mist that you can actually feel as soon as you step out in it .. I miss that from the east coast and my childhood ...
Our very generous neighbors have been picking a lot of pears and we have been the opportunists of their bounty .. in other words we have been lip smacking away at them ! wink wink
What I love the most is their old wooden ladder that they use to pick the higher pears from .. it is beautiful and I would love to have one like it in my garden.
It .. the ladder .. screams character doesn't it ? I wonder how many odd jobs it helped with during it's life time and is this retirement for it ? picking pears!!
Last night and the night before I have been so disappointed not to be able to photograph the "harvest moon" .. by the time it rose last night the sky was too dark and it was too bright .. I know there has to be a better setting on my camera some where for this type of shot but I have not STUMBLED upon it as yet ? argh !!
Tonight we have cloud and showers predicted .. I think it is a plot against me ;-(
So I caught the morning sunrise as husband asked "have you gotten the sun this morning?" eeekkkk ! I was watching for it but the cloud cover was hiding it from me .. until these very short moments.
Later I took this ho hum shot because I know the annual euphorbia will not survive cold nights soon .. and it is one of my favourite annuals .. so I had to have a picture of it while in good shape.
Then the begonia from Mother's Day .. can you believe I kept it alive this long ??
The girls insisted that they have a candid shot since they haven't been incorporated with a post in so long .. they can't remember when their last "beauty" shot was ?
So this post is about stuff and nonsense .. just one of those days here.


Karen said...

Very nice shots! I too missed out on the moon, well I saw it, but my photos of it stink!
I love your sunrise pics, I am never up early enough to see a sunrise let alone photograph one!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I love the forgiving spirit of the begonia. It doesn't matter what type you grow they bounce back when one decides to give them a little TLC. Your garden looks so lush for fall. "The Girls" are darling. It is fun to have a peek into their day.

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Joy, the clematis is beautiful and what a lovely pear tree. I had several cats as a child but became more and more allergic with each new one. I am so bad as an adult that I know within a few minutes if there is a cat in the vicinity.

I still think they are very cute, although I can't hug them anymore!


Kit Aerie-el said...

Fantastic stuff, I say! The girls' candid shot looks great, the sunrise is gorgeous, the fog is spooky (getting ready for Halloween?), and the wooden ladder would be a welcome addition to any garden! No harvest moon shots here either--my camera broke! Congrats on keeping the begonia healthy and beautimous.

Anonymous said...

I like the ladder in the photos too. It looks so good next to the Sweet Autumn Clematis. The delicate and the rustic.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello there Karen girl !
Thank you : ) Isn't it frustrating when you want to take a shot at something like that so badly .. argh ! I am an early riser thanks to my furry girls (or no thanks but they head butt the bedroom door ? LOL) haha

Hello there Lisa girl : )and yes, this begonia has been very forgiving indeed ! phew! I feel guilty for not watering more myself .. I kept hanging on to the forecast when it promised some rain and it didn't happen .. jeez!
The girls would like their own blog but I keep saying no! LOL

Eileen thank you girl : ) The pear tree is amazing when it is in Spring bloom smothered in white flowers .. and I do love my Sweet Autumn clematis .. it never fails me ;-) I am in awe of your decorative Autumn plantings and pots, you are way ahead of me ! I better start thinking and doing !

Aerie-el girl (thank you so much and the girls thank you too)
That trip to Scotland must have been fantastic! The picture of the estate was amazing .. so lush and green .. a lot of rainfall I bet !
My goodness about your camera .. are you getting a new one ? and which one would it be? I am always interested in every one's camera!LOL

Donna girl I only see this ladder out at this time of the year and I try to take pictures of it each season .. I might even pluck up the nerve to ask, when they think they might throw it out .. could I have it ? LOL

Marguerite said...

That ladder is great. Beautiful and practical. I'm not much of a morning person but I have been noticing on the drive in to work lately the fog and dew settling on the newly blooming asters. Almost makes me like mornings.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Marguerite girl isn't it funny what catches our eyes .. no two people will see things the same way .. details jump out at us on an individual level .. but yes, that ladder is an eye catcher for all of us I bet : ) Hey there has to be some pretty scenarios for picture taking on those early morning drives ? LOL

Lona said...

Such pretty shots of the sun and clouds Joy. Your Begonia is so pretty. I know she would be a goner if it had tried to grow here. LOL! I drown the poor things.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Lona girl I usually become quite creative on ways to kill plants .. some how this one survived for the season , so believe me I am SHOCKED ! LOL Thanks girl : )