
Monday, 14 April 2014

Not "just" rain barrels any more !

Ironically it is raining right now ... but I don't have the new rain "barrel" up and running.
In fact I am totally guilty of not doing any garden clean up, as of yet.
Every time I look out to the gardens I feel huge twinges of guilt ... the snow has finally melted away and I see amazing growth of Spring bulbs that have mustered their courage and are saying "we are here !"
I swear later this week I will be uncovering my jewels with the help of husband.

So the topic of rain barrels ... and it is so true about them not being just rain barrels any more.
I took a lot of time looking at all sorts of fancy models and bare bones ones too.
We had a very functional one for over 11 years but having forgot to empty it before freezing weather .. and perhaps the age wearing on it ? (I like that excuse a lot) 
Naturally it split wide open from the pure physics of the "freeze till you bus"t action that did it in
Sad old rain barrel did it's duty to the very end..

So ... what did I look for in a new one ? 
First functionality and my new one covers that in a way my old one didn't. 
The hose connection is at the very bottom of the "barrel", so it drains better from the water pressure at the top and I will get every bit of water possible from it being at the bottom.
Next ... well, I went a bit soft on this point. 
I liked the colour and form .. it doesn't look like a rain barrel.
It looks like perhaps a very large garden container.
Plain and simple though ... the "less is more" axiom ... and this baby has that.
I saw so many different types it made me dizzy. 
Ones you could have a plant on the top of .. ones that were more artsy fartsy .. ones that could be fountains at the same time, the list goes on and on. 
Too many options when you are looking for one that will just stand the test of time and store that precious water !

So here it is !
Important feature with standing water is to not let the mosquitoes get at it and knock themselves out replicating !! 
Plus keep debris out ... we really need our gutters cleaned ... ugh !

This week it will be set up in it's special place and hopefully we will have staggered rain days to fill it up and flush it out.
Who else but a gardener would be so excited over something like this ... except these ?
I love these garden gloves that I get at COSTCO. 
The price is very reasonable and for the most part, and they last well. 
I do sometimes wear a disposable latex glove underneath when I know I am going to get really down and dirty or wet with the work I am doing.
I also wear a face mask because of allergies and especially with the old dust/pollen/mold/mildew that is raked up .
It may look funny but it really saves me a lot of physical grief from the disturbed debris.
So ? ... now I just need to get the work done!
Assess what has happened over this longer than long, winter ....wondering what plants didn't quite make it.
Mentally calculate where I am going to shoe horn the new mail order plants in ... that is a dicey one.
It is all in the game though ... and I love it : )


RURAL said...

Oh gardeners lust over all of those gloves, and that rain barrel. Wow, next to a gorgeous plant, what more could you want?


Barbarapc said...

It's going to be a terrific addition to your garden. You'd think the manufacturers would care more about looks - I bet their sales would increase dramatically if they were better on the form and function (great with the nozzle at the bottom!).
p.s. Isn't this snow ridiculous? I'm thinking grownup snow cones with Grand Marnier and a little orange twist.

Randy said...

Get that rain barrel out there gurl and starting catching water. :0) I really should use gloves, but I find they make me so clumsy. Or more clumsy I should say.

Patty said...

We just lost a second rain barrel this winter due to a split. Our first one lasted around 6 years but this one only 2 gardening seasons. And they are so expensive to replace over and over. Yours looks like a strong material. I hope it lasts a long time.

Carolyn ♥ said...

That is one sweet looking Rain Barrel, Joy. And thanks for the heads up with the Costco gloves!

Jennifer said...

Great news: the hellebore you sent me was such a generous size I was able to divide it into two. Both pieces have the start of flowers. I am so excited and can't wait to see them! Thanks again Joy!
I guess I a little foolish because it didn't even occur to me to empty the rain barrels we have before winter set in. Now I will have to go out and check on them just to see if they are damaged.
Your new rain barrel looks nice and plain. I mean that in the best of ways, because I find the detailing on some rain barrels is a bit ugly. Our two barrels are ones we got at Loblaws at a deep end-of-season discount.
Have a nice Easter! We finally have some decent weather. Hooray!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Jen girl!
Yes ... gloves and rain barrels are our staples .. plain and simple : )

Barb girl hello there!
Form and function .. blending in behind the plants and getting every drip out of it we can is my type of rain barrel : ) .. finally great weather the last two days for Easter weekend was great!

Randy how are you ? .. yes sir!!
I have the rain barrel for the rain we are supposed to get tomorrow , can't wait to see how it preforms! .. have to say gloves are a must for me, need to be so careful about possible infections etc .. BIG sigh ! You are not clumsy!!

Patty girl hello there!
Our old one was the first for us to lose and by our own fault I have to say .. the darn things NEED to be emptied for winter or what else can you expect bt a split ? I think this one will be a keeper : )

Hello there Carolyn girl hope you had a great weekend .. we had fabulous weather to work in the garden .. dead tired now though.
Yes Costco has "Gardena " gloves and they are great! you have to get some girl !!

Jennifer girl I am so happy my hellebore are working out for you!
I am hoping the colour stays true and it turns out to the one you are looking for! I cut a lot of foliage back on mine because of the drying winter winds they caught but I am sure new foliage will be fine .. I have a few white flowers from Ivory Prince so far.
Hey I almost got one of those rain barrels from Loblaws late summer .. I was kicking myself that I didn't .. damn ! Yes the weather is finally more Spring like now .. phew !!