I should really have brought my camera with me to show how crazy we get when we finally leave "winter" mode and SLAM into garden mode here in the Great White North.
I haven't even said anything about the speed of delivery from plant mail order companies yet.
Here is a picture of just a few things I don't really need but managed to pick up anyways ... and this isn't showing the "whole" picture which includes triple mix soil, potting soil, fertilizer, bone meal .... do you count how we take care of our Goldfinches .... a 50 pound bag of Niger seed plus another copper accented Goldfinch feeder ?
There are a lot of "herbs" hiding in that blue box .. from rosemary, to curly parsley, fern leaf dill, more lavender .... well the list goes on and on ...annual euphorbia is a favorite of mine .. this one is "Star Dust Super Flash" , can't wait to see how it performs ... a new heuchera called Snow Angel which has beautiful variegated foliage and hot pink flowers ..two white bloody cranesbill geranium ... a dwarf lilac called "Purple Be Dazzled" ... and you see the baskets of cool coloured flowers .. I like mono tone and in "cool" colours for when it gets hot out .. the deck needs to be relaxing.
Speaking of relaxing ... sweet husband got the basalt water feature connected and running while I was out in the madness of gardeners let loose ! .. the finches now have two feeders on the go with a solar powered bird bath and the main water feature bubbling away with it's calming sound of running water.
The bad part ? ... I have a TON of "start up" work to do in my gardens .. weeding .. moving of plants .. quick on the fly redesigning of beds ... did I mention the need to dump triple mix soil on said garden beds?
I haven't even gotten to the compost and mulch deal yet.
It is a crazy time ... so I might not even surface for a while .. each day I do garden work .. well, I pay for it dearly physically ... but I am willing to because I love my gardens so much .. the pleasure most times is worth the pain.
Mean while some pretty pictures ...
One good thing I have learned, is an easy front entrance plant from last year .. a not so plain fern that "cools" that aspect of our home .. I am very serious about trying to make things easier and this does!
To be repotted and placed in black urn .. hum? looks a little like me first thing in the morning?
Meanwhile some pretty plants and a bird or two?
Buds bursting with promise is just about the most beautiful sight to see to a "starved" gardener ;-)
I so agree with you Joy. I'm already aching from spending the afternoon realigning stones around the pond. I want to sit but nooooooo we've waited too long for this. I'm also an over buyer of plants I don't need but ummmm you know ;) Happy Spring !!!
Hi Cheryl : )
Yes over buying plants .. well we just can't help ourselves eh ?
I think we have burst burst into summer and left Spring in the dust already .. ugh !!
LOL! Sounds like your northern gardeners are just like us. My daughter and I went annual shopping at a local greenhouse and it was packed. LOL! You are going to be one busy girl. I know exactly what you mean by loving the gardening through the pain. So much to do and here it got summer in one day. Crazy! LOL! Have a wonderful Momma's Day.
Lona girl it has een CRAZY here for a week at the garden centers .. you can really tell when winter has driven us to this point ? LOL
Yes .. the ouch factor is a huge mountain to try and climb while working in the garden and summer went BANG ! .. I have the AC on girl .. now how crazy is that? haha
Have a great Mother's Day weekend too Lona!
Whoa, did I have a long time finding your blog. You have no link in your comment on my blog. I first went to FB thinking we are FB friends and could not find you. Then I Googled gardenjoy4me and that did not produce. Then I tried Canadian Garden Joy and got other blogs where you commented, so all that led me here finally. Oh boy. Anyway, I agree with you, any sign of spring is a good one after our long winter. Even the buds made me smile. It is the time of year people go crazy buying plants.I did not plant them yet as I fear we still might get a cold snap. Hope not, but you know this crazy northern weather.
It is a bit of a crazy catch-up time. The garden seems to be on fast forward rushing to make up for lost time. I am planting, moving and weeding like mad. My bare root roses have arrived and need planting. The picket fence needs to be painted. Seeds need to be planted. EEEK! I spent a fortune at the nursery last week and want to go back for a few things that I forgot. It's the long weekend coming and there will be crowds of crazed gardeners. EEEK!
Hi Donna girl .. sorry about all the confusion .. I used to have a blog on your platform but went back to this one and it all leaves a sticky trail. I am CanadianGardenJoy for life now I guess. I am fairly sure we are safe in our temps so I am trying to plant to be ready and out of the way for landscaping. Fingers crossed that works out the way it has in my head! LOL
Jennifer girl I loved that post on the bird houses!
I am in the same predicament as you .. trying to catch up to the garden which is speeding way ahead of me. Yes bare root roses to be planted etc .. I am well impressed with the Hortico perennials .. so if you find any thing there you should be too!
YES .. we Canadians are CRAZY gardeners after that long winter!!
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