I usually have a honeymoon period with new plants in the garden ... then something odd happens and things aren't so sweet between us for reasons only the universe really knows ?
Having made that proclamation .. I can say it isn't so with Buzz Ivory buddleia ... it is a beauty and I would plant loads more if I had the sunny space for it.
I was a little hesitant over my pick of the ivory colour but no more !
It is perfect for cooling down some of the riot of colour in other plants that just party too long and too hard.
They need a calmer take on the area to tone it down a bit and "Buzz" does the job !
As for other plants ... some can be taken as a lead into Autumn almost ... I know, way too early but doesn't "Joe" and "Helen" make you think of those days to come ?
"Baby Joe" blooms earlier ..
"Helen ... helenium" not sure which variety survived my intervention of "is this a weed or what" day
Thankfully it has a few feet in the ground still.
Petite Delight monarda also had a close call on extinction ... it was just one of those times I got carried away trying to unify a look to the sun strip ... and I still haven't yet .. but I am still working on it !
I'm throwing in this picture of a spirea flower just because it is so darn pretty !
More pink to top up the pink-o-meter ?
Inspiration clematis
William Shakespeare Rose after a rain shower
Kent Beauty oregano ?
OK ... I better knock off the pink parade or I will have the pink police after me for over advertising pinkness!
You have to admit though ... pink is pretty darn perfect in the garden !
Oh Joy what joy. I love your garden pink is pretty. I linked your blog for Wednesday hope you don't mind. Hug B
I love your new fence, but just when are you going to be "done" around there? Hey, I don't mind the pink parade, I tend to use it a lot myself. The brick on the front of the house is a pinkish type red, so I try to keep things pinkish up front. But the back is where I tend to do more clown pants gardening. Technically, I try to stick with pink, purple and yellow, but somehow orange and red keep sneaking in!
Hello there Grace girl : )
Thank you ! and thank you for the link girl .. I do not mind at all!
Linking is a nice surprise so thank you : )
Robin, I just saw your last post and yes!the more rain and water we use the better the plants look even if most are drought tolerant.
LOL ! "clown pants" gardening yup! I have to remember that one .. I do it too !
I used to think every flower in my garden had to be colorful, but I've added more white in my garden in recent years and really like the "rest" for the eyes it gives. Your white butterfly bush is a perfect example of this. Seeing your oregano reminds me I never did plant any this spring, and I even pinned one of your photos to my Pinterest plant wish board last year! I must add a Shakespeare rose to my garden:)
Hello Rose girl !
Last evening I had to go out and cut some flowers and this buddleia is as all of them .. sweet as HONEY !
I love spots of white through out the garden for just as you say, a rest point. It really does compliment the sea of colours.
I'm going to try and over winter this oregano .. a friend of mine did last year in her garden so there may be hope.
Shakespeare smells amazing too !
There can never be too much pink for me Joy, and some of those in your photos are stunners. The buddleja is very pretty, but I imagine you need a fairly big space for it? I only have room for dwarf varieties in my garden.
pink is perfect in the garden. Goes with every other colour perfectly as far as I'm concerned. although I do like your comment about the ivory giving the eye a rest. I need to learn more about balancing my colours. I just seem to migrate directly to bright and loud.
Love your description of 'honeymoon phase' with new plants. I hadn't thought of it in those terms before but it totally fits with me too. The Ivory Buddleia is wonderful. If I saw one I'd buy it too. I'm waiting for my yellow 'honeycomb' to bloom. It's always so slow. Feel free to show as many pinks as you want ~ you know I love that color!!!!
Hi Joy!
Your pink parade is wonderful! Love your buddleia and monarda, also spirea. Did you know that the monarda leaves you can use with tea and boiling water? The taste of this tea reminds Ears Grey tea with bergamote.
Have a nice day!
Hello Paula girl and thank you .. pink seems to have crept up to be a major player in my garden some how!
This buddleia is a smaller one that I am sure would work in your garden .. the scent is heady and the ivory colour is perfect to rest your eyes on .. I would get it if I were you, I think you will love it!
Marguerite girl ... just drooled over your post of you in the kayak on the gorgeous ocean .. you lucky gardener .. the best of both worlds ! .. Hey, we all go through different stages in our gardens with colours .. I am going to the more subtle at times in certain sections .. but it can all be blown away with any whim at any moment too .. that is what is so great about gardening right ?
We get to choose !!
Kathleen girl I just finished commenting on your last post which was amazing .. my absolute favorite of the year !
Yes .. we are pinky girls eh ? haha .. and another YES ! if you see it I would get it .. I in fact want to get 2 more to make a small mass planting next year .. it is too bad they do take a while to come out but when they do it is heady with scent. I also have micro chip in pink and they are blooming machines with no deadheading so another recommendation for you !
Hello Nadezda girl and thank you!
Yes !! I absolutely love monarda .. my fear of powdery mildew keeps them in check though .. but another big yes to how you can make tea .. how it is an additive to earl Gray tea and the scent is so lovely .. perfect plant for sight and smell right ? : )
Hi Joy,
Love your ivory buddleia. Unfortunately I lost both of my purple varieties from the brutal winter of 2013/14. I am really missing them!
LOL Pink parade! I have been enjoying my pink parade too- one of my favorite garden colors! I would like to have a butterfly bush but I can't find a spot for it. It's amazing how the butterflies really flock to them. I like the Helenium- I had some for a while but they disappeared. Perhaps I wed them out too! I didn't know Oregano was fancy like that!
I love pink and have loads of it in the garden. :o) But sometimes what makes all those hot colors pop a bit more is a shot of white/ivory to tie them all in. It makes the whole summer garden more of a fashion show and less of a drag queen smack down. But since I have a soft spot for drag queens,anyway, I'll take any summer garden! Your plants look so happy. Beautiful!
I loved your photos! Beautiful! Also, I purchased the Pink Delight Dwarf bee balm last year and I really love it. I've got it growing with some miniature hostas. I live in Northern New York and we are between a 4-5 hardiness zone so I have trouble growing the butterfly bushes.
I also love your hot-pink clematis. Such a surprise.
Hi there Zoey girl ... I am sorry about the buddleia ... been there done that and bought some all over again. I made sure to situate themin my best (hottest) sunny spot so even with winter, the drainage is really good so no standing water and warmth happens quickly .. try again girl!LOL
Hello there Liz girl !
There is something about pink for sure .. just keep adding it, subconsciously ?? LOL
I have weeded out plants by mistake at times I could kick myself! Helenium is gorgeous if you get the one you really like .. I didn't see any offered this year .. I am wondering why ?
I didn't know about this oregano until a friend told me about it .. now I am addicted ! haha
Hey there Tammy and thank you so much! and ? my good you made me laugh over the drag queen comments .. too funny. I think we all need a little of them in our gardens too : ) LOL
Thank you Susan : ) That little bee balm survived me accidentally weeding it out so it is a tough one and I do love that scent ..I went a bit overboard with planting clematis this year .. I really hope they all survive and bloom next year .. one, I have transplanted 3 times now .. it might just thumb it's nose at me now!
I am just loving all your pretty pink blooms Joy. Hey the new fence looks great! Summer is just flying by. I see Katydids ans late blooming flowers starting to bloom and I wonder where the summer is going already. We have had two polar cool downs this month and another one next week. So it even feels fall like on those days. I am so dreading winter if we re getting polar winds already. The Little Joe Pye is so pretty. Have a lovely weekend.
Lona girl thank you !
I thought it was just me making that observation with "Fall" flowers etc ... happening so soon. This week is the last week in July and yes ! where did summer go ? I think because we did not suffer from heat and humidity we are game for gardening much longer .. too bad, when we are in the mood the timing is not right ? LOL
Take care girl : )
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