
Saturday, 9 August 2014

Having to say OOPS to a plant company ....

Well ... I don't mind eating my words really .. it is what it is and apologizing to a plant company only makes them trust you on a higher level if another problem ever happens again .. or so the logical part of my brain says to me .. but then my logical part is quite tiny and has to SHOUT it out very loudly.

My apology went to the Vesey's Seed Co. on P.E.I. an Atlantic province in our lovely country.
The problem was I ordered Samaritan Jo clematis and the first very small plant failed ... so in my controlled panic (because I have to admit lusting quit heavily after this clematis) I e-mailed the company about the failure and they were kind enough to send me another plant (which again was so delicate and tiny)
I watched and watched and came to the conclusion this plant had failed as well ... again with the e-mail and promise of a credit .. so I thought the problem was resolved and I would just have to get over the fact this plant was not for me.
Garden fate had a different plan for me ... This week a very unassuming clematis I had tangled up with my Zephirine rose started to bloom ... the flower was not what I expected .. it tugged on my memory and of course the embarrassing realization was "Holy C**P !!! this is Samaritan Jo ... and I have to eat CROW!
That is what I just did this morning in an email to Vesey ... explaining the matter and apologizing.
Has anyone else ever had to do this ?? BIG sigh !
Here are my pictures of "Proof of Life"

"She" is a petite beauty and showed me that she is quite alive !!
Thank you and thank Vesey ... my red faced issue is resolved I hope ?

Now for a few other garden treats ?
This newbie has been growing well and I expect it will be the Giant Fleece Flower it is meant to be !

Guacamole hosta is HUGE ... out doing Big Daddy this year by far

Back to tiny again (weird theme for today)
My bouncing baby Tiger Eye Sumac .. first one from my original TES ..  yes I am a proud mom ! : )

OK .. enough nonsense for the day.
I would like to thank the gardeners that joined my off the wall meme I sprung on you all too early without being fully prepared ..THANK YOU !! and also for those who mentioned they would like to join in later on.
I want it to be a totally pressure free things for fun .. no obligations truly !!
Last picture is of one of my favorite spots in the garden .. just for a relaxed zen closure to this post : )

and this ? ....


Leslie's Garden said...

That's funny. But I'm glad to know you're an honest person! You made gardeners proud! Glad it lived after all and considering you didn't think it did, doesn't it look so healthy! Love that last picture, that's one of my favorite spots in your garden. I have not been doing blog check this week because school started back and I've been exhausted, but I will surely join in on the meme as soon as things settle down! I just love your garden, I'm always so happy when you post such pretty pictures of it!

Alain Charest said...

It was nice of Vesey's to send a replacement. This never happened to me but I once had a very hard time pulling out a weed that had a great clump of roots. Once I had finally got rid of it, I realized it was my best blooming clematis...

Jennifer said...

I had a rose that I was sure had died. All last summer it was bare branches. I was about to rip it out when I noticed a little green this spring. Then it bloomed this summer. I guess it was just resting! LOL So glad now that I didn't jump the gun and yank it out.
Your little clematis is lovely. Be prepared your Giant Fleece Flower will indeed be "giant" one day. One minor drawback is that the flowers stink (in my opinion). Hopefully you didn't plant it near an area where you sit like your little patio/water feature area. (Don't get me wrong, it is an impressive plant and a terrific addition to any garden.)
See you have added a Thursday meme. I will try to be organized (for once) and participate in an upcoming Thursday.
Have a great Sunday Joy!

Anonymous said...

Oh, nice! I love it when something makes it after you feel it's gone. This clematis is a beauty. I can see why you coveted it. I'm sure the company appreciates the apology. I always wonder why they send out the smallest plants tho?? I mail ordered some things this year and could not believe how itty bitty the plants were that showed up?? If you do the slightest thing wrong (bad placement, etc.) it's over. Love that hosta. It performs well here too. Happy Sunday Joy!

Casa Mariposa said...

I've had Judas plants, too. My garden loves to make a fool out of me. :o) I've found that clematis are actually quite hard to kill, although easy to torture. If a few of mine ever get their tendrils around anything sharp, I might be a goner. ;o)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Leslie girl : )
It was all a jumble of panic , disappointment and SURPRISE!! LOL
I am so happy to have it be alive .. second time lucky I guess because the poor first one was terrible.
I want to be on good terms with mail order companies so yes, honesty puts faith back into you as a customer and they try harder then to make you happy most times.
I understand about the back to school madness so no worries!
Juts take care and grab some rest!

Alain hello there and I just posted a link in a comment on your blog for layering the roses .. I hope it helps. If you have any questions just let me know and I will try to help out !
OMG ! I did that with Black Knight buddliea .. so I understand what you must have felt .. you learn from your mistakes for sure ;-)

Jennifer girl it is those tiny sprigs of life we see that makes us hang on to a plant .. I try not to jump the gun ever again after my mistakes now.
I ordered the Giant Fleece before we knew we were going to build a new fence .. it was for more privacy ... I think most of the "smell" will waft over to my neighbor's yard ... I hope ??LOL
Thank you for thinking of joining in on the meme .. I never do things like that but it just hit me one day .. leaped before I looked ? LOL No pressure on the meme girl .. just if you get the urge : )

Kathleen girl I was just over to your place admiring those beautiful lilies of yours !
Different mail order companies have different policies and sizes .. I am lucky to have a couple here in Ontario that are more than a decent size phew ! : )

Rose said...

Joy, I had much the same experience a couple of years ago. I ordered a 'Zephirine' rose, but she died soon after I planted her--or so I thought. I called the company who told me they were out of 'Zephirine,' but let me pick another variety, and I chose 'Don Juan.' 'Don Juan' was a beauty, but sadly he inexplicably died last year. In the meantime, though, you guessed it--'Zephirine' returned to life and she has been growing like crazy ever since!

Just read about your meme on Cosmos and Cleome's blog and will try to join in soon, though knowing me, it may take awhile:) Love your Zen spots in the last two photos!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Tammy girl you are such a HOOT !
I think the torture thing is true .. we are well meaning ? most of the time abut we do get that evil side going when frustrated eh ? LOL ! .. watch your back girl !!

Rose girl hello there !
Oh my gosh the lessons we learn and the "bit the dust" experiences we have to go through .. Zephirine is one hard rose to get a hold of .. I only have my one and have been trying to get another one for ever!!! haha
Hey no pressure on the meme girl .. I just want it to be fun and relaxed so no worries OK ?


Joy you crack me up! I am so sorry I've been away, depriving myself of your delightfully entertaining posts. I'm so glad the Clemmy is alive. She is a beaut, for sure. I haven't had to apologize yet but I've sure had my share of surprises. Your garden is fabulous. I checked closely and your Guacamole doesn't have nary a slug bite anywhere--picture perfect. I love it. I'm going to send you an email now. Hugs.

RobinL said...

Now you all have fun with your meme, but I won't be joining you, just like I don't join in the monthly bloom days. You see, everyone of my posts is basically a bloom day, and I often analyze new plants that I try out! I'm sure you were embarrassed about that clematis but you did the right thing.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Gracie girl thank you ! but my Guacamole does have a few tiny holes but how the slugs would get there is too funny so it might be something else but she is a beaut eh ?
Got the e-mail and I will be sending one too! Yes that clemmy is a gorgeous girl : )

Robin girl hello there .. some might read that as a bit of a cranky? comment but I know you well enough to know you are just saying what you think so no worries there .. I don't do memes other than Shadow shot but have been taking a break from that for garden season.
This is just a do if you like or not no pressure thing ..
I wasn't so much embarrassed as puzzled and I'm not a goodie two shoes either .. I just would feel a pang of guilt every time I would look at this pretty clematis and I don't want to feel anything but pleasure with my plants ;-)

Anonymous said...

That's a nice clematis. I'm glad it grew for you after all. Earlier this summer I was certain a bare root bleeding heart I had purchased the previous fall had died and I had expressed my dismay to the plant company. About a month later, AFTER I had bought a potted bleeding heart from a local nursery, the bare root sent up its first shoot. I guess patience is a virtue!--Kimberley

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Kimberly girl I just saw your post on that town's planting of such gorgeous flowers !
That is quite amazing plus adding the perennials to it was a great idea.
Plants from mail order companies can be tricky .. especially the tiny plants that some ship out .. that clematis was like a bean sprout I swear!! haha
So talk about iffy .. but the replacement did finally take so I was really happy .. no problem telling the company of my mistake in not identifying it when it came up finally ... I love it so I hope it survives our crazy winters here!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a delight seeing your garden. Everything looks so healthy. I am not sure why your blog isn't coming up on my reader. I will have to reinstate it and see if I can once again keep up. I thought you weren't blogging anymore. hmmmm Maybe because I have been so lax. ha...

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Lisa girl thank you so much !
I have had that problem too with some blogs not coming up right on my side bar .. don't know what is going on as usual .. I am in DUH? mode most of the time? haha
Hey we all need a lax time girl;-)

Paula @ Blooms 'n' Spades said...

I think that's wonderful that you took the time to apologise Joy. I think we're always quick to complain, but less so to praise. Your Clematis looks like a very pretty one so I can imagine you were pleased to see it surface.

I love your zen area of the garden. Such a peaceful looking zone to relax in, but how are your Hostas so nibble free? As soon as mine put any growth those pesky slugs and snails attack, grrrr!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thank you Paula girl : ) Every garden has to have a Zen spot right?
My hosta have nibbles no worries there .. I just shoot around them?LOL .. I have been lucky for the most part that they aren't lacey from such gross little beasts, slugs I mean ? ;-)