
Monday, 10 November 2014

Too Pretty (to clean up ?)

Clean up is going to happen ... but for today one last look at how pretty the leaves look before they start to disappear !

... and some friends on the bench ... chatting ?

With an odd character out ? ... Boston fern character is refusing to give it up ! LOL


Leslie's Garden said...

How pretty, Joy! Our leaves don't keep their color on the ground! They're just all brown and splotchy. I would definitely leave them! Your garden is still so pretty!

tina said...

Gosh, where to start? Your blog is probably my favorite. Which template is it do you mind me asking and can you give me instructions on how to make the header look so good? Please, pretty please?

Leaves are very pretty. I am enjoying fall so much and so happy to see others appreciate the colors of the leaves too. How was Halloween for you? Hard to believe this year is nearly over!

NanaDiana said...

I am one of those weird people that love to see leaves laying/lying/staying? on the ground. It just makes me smile to see them there.

My ferns are hanging in there, too, even though we have had snow..but we haven't had a hard freeze yet.

Have a wonderful night- xo Diana

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Leslie girl !
Thank you so much ... but my leaves will turn brown and curled eventually.
I have to do a clean up in the back garden Friday/Saturday ... so it won't be so much work in Spring.
I feel better when I put the garden to bed properly ? LOL

Tina girl hello there : )
You are too sweet ! Thank you !
I think you have my email about that now : )
Fall is my favorite time of year but this past October has been rather retched with bad weather .. it whizzed by without me enjoying it much .. Halloween whizzed by on a broom too! haha .. Yes this year is just about over and on to the next one!

Diana girl I am always so glad to read some one else is a fan of October and it's leaves : )
This Boston fern is one crazy dude hanging in till the BIG frost which will come soon. It is late here as well ... bundle up it is coming !

RobinL said...

You're right, you should definitely wait to clean up those lovely leaves. I especially like to kick through the sweetgum leaves, because they are amazingly colorful. I really need to get one of my own!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hi Robin girl .. today is our do as much as we can day even though this morning it is COLD ..-2 and a heavy frost finally. Sweetgum I have seen on other blogs and they are beautiful!
Yes !! you should get one even if it is only for the Fall colour and fun : )