
Thursday, 18 June 2015

Before and After Pictures Quickie

I am not even going to say anything ... just pictures !

I know ... I wasn't going to "say" anything ... but ... the difference is night and day safety wise.
I feel much better walking the pathways now than I did before .. I was sure I was going to trip on the old rocks and do a face plant !


Buttons Thoughts said...

Joy is indeed full of Joy with that view no doubt. Worth the wait I am sure. Enjoy it. Beautiful....Hugs B

cheryl said...

The new paths are much more pleasing to the eyes Joy. They allow your plantings to pop! and without so many joints you have less to keep weed free. Well done!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Wowwwww!!! Really there is no comparison!!!! So much nicer and safer for you(-: I do love the bigger stones too. So glad you are done with that project.(-: Now you can enjoy your Summer!!!!(-:

Casa Mariposa said...

It looks wonderful! I especially like the gate. :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thanks so much Grace : ) ... this was more than a few years to fruition !
Thankfully it is done now and I can stop day dreaming ? haha

Hello Cheryl girl and thank you ! Yes I think it does frame the plants in a more subtle way now .. long long project over many years of discussion and mistakes ... glad it is done!

Hey there Cindee girl ! Yes I feel a lot more steady walking on the paths .. it makes a huge difference for me and the garden too ? haha Thank you : )

Hello Tammy girl yes this gate is PRIVATE for people who garden in pajamas ! haha

Nadezda said...

Joy, I see these paths are more stable, you're right: night and day. But I think they are more expensive...

Jennifer said...

This looks like a great improvement Joy! Is the gravel between the stones lighter this time around? It looks that way in the pictures. I find the pathways less visually busy with the larger rocks and lighter material in between. And of course it is a great bonus that you won't kill yourself walking down the pathways. LOL I bet you are so relieved it's all done!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Nadezda girl you are so right ... they are much more stable but ouch ! the cost was a bite but we are much happier now ... so you just have to get on with it right ? LOL

Hi Jennifer girl .. it is a type of sand that hardens like the type you put between your patio bricks ? and yes these paths are much more subtle, letting the plants take the lime light and not doing a faceplant in the garden is a HUGE benefit !! LOL Very relieved indeed !


That is amazing! I want your contractor to come do my garden. What fabulous work he does. I can imagine how much better you feel about walking on it now. Great job.