
Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Mystery Plant (still waiting)

Well ... this is the longest WAIT I have ever had to have a plant revel it's true nature to me ...
I guess that is the way of all living things ? ... but this one is stubborn and I had to move it.
So it might be even more hesitant in going through the process of giving "birth" ? to it's flowers.
I think it will survive the shock though.
Around August 6th  was this shot ...
I think the shape is my like the lythrum that Eileen suggested but until it flowers all bets are off ?

We have finally had a rain day, well over night for sure ... phew !
I hand watered from 8 AM to 1:30 PM without a break on Sunday and I am feeling every bit of it now ... I have never had to cut back so many astilbe because they fried in my shade section ugh!
Otherwise though some nice pictures of plants before that hiccup ?
My beautiful thalictrum is using the Royal Purple Smokebush as it's support.
I couldn't resist the "balloons" of flowers still not opened ...
A bit of a dramatic shot of my daisy in morning shade .. I still have my dried allium in the garden.
They do support some of the plants amazingly ... it was my most fascinating plant of the year and I can't wait to see them next Spring again !
The coneflowers are gorgeous as usual and that scent in the air is wonderful ... the pollinaters are enjoying it too !
I am waiting for September to swap out and rearrange plants .. this border needs help!
There are hidden treasures buried in over the top plants  like Solar Flare echinacea to the left.
I am not complaining about its growth it just needs another place or my little treasures hidden in it need to move ... one or the other is going to happen !
A sure sign of the seasons progression are the "black rattlers" from Blue False Indigo.
Glamor Girl Phlox has done well ... resists the powdery mildew thing so far.
It is the only Phlox I have for now.

This is a very understated little tree treasure of mine.
It has been putting up with dry shade for a few years now and I appreciate that very much.
Spring brings out the beautiful purple foliage that progresses to green by summer.
It has wonderful twists and turns and I help it along with that .. a bit of fun shaping it to how I like it.
So it is a bit of a waiting game  with the mystery plant ... I will post pictures as soon as it makes up it's mind to let us all know what it intends to be !!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I don't ever remember seeing a Corylus. It is a prettty little tree. All looks so healthy in your garden despite the droughty conditions. It has been like that here all through July. Finally we are getting a little respite.

Angie said...

It's just a case of playing the waiting game Joy. Looking forward to the big reveal to find out exactly what it is.
As for the rest of the garden, it's beautiful. I love Thalictrum but it doesn't love my garden, sadly. Odd though as it really should thrive in my conditions.
It's so cool here I've started taking a bit of a chance and moving a few things around already. September won't be long in coming round and you can get stuck into improvements, although I think it looks great right now.

RobinL said...

I have some plant moving to do too, but that's a chore that I shy away from, even when the weather is better! But I swear that I'm going to put all my Cheyenne Spirit echinacea all in one spot. I thought I was doing a repeating element, but that doesn't work with Cheyenne, because they all bloom different colors. I've got all kinds of crazy color combos going on, and I'm not loving it at all. September is the plan for me too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joy.
I totally need to revamp my gardens. I wish I was planning to get out there and work hard in Sept but right now, no such ideas are in my head!!!! I always think your borders look exceptional so not sure how you'll improve them???
My camera is an old, old, old digital SLR (one of the first ones Canon came out with) It's an EOS 20D. I think you can purchase it now for 200.00 ~ isn't that sad??? I've never upgraded because it still does such a nice job (for what I need it to do) I have friends who have the Rebel & like it a lot. Is it navigating the differences between Nikon & Canons that is hard or are you not liking your pic qualities??? After you take the plunge, spend all the $$ & buy something new, you sure want to be happy with it. I hope it will work out. I don't think I was much help but if there's anything else I can do/answer, please ask!! I will do whatever I can! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say, most of the time (when photographing flowers) I use my macro lens. It was the most expensive but totally worth it!

Rose said...

Your mystery plant looks like goldenrod to me, but then I have so much volunteer goldenrod in my garden, that is usually a safe guess:) I had a few mystery plants growing, too, and thought they were probably weeds, until they bloomed and turned out to be tall Sneezeweed, Helenium Autumnale. I wondered where in the heck did this come from?? Sure enough, when I checked my garden journal, I had planted some two years ago. Sometimes it's nice to be losing your memory--lots of happy surprises in the garden:) I think your borders look beautiful just the way they are!

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Good morning! I hear your cry, sister, about watering! I am starting to hate hoses - we didn't have any rains for two month! Fortunately, there are some sprinkles in August!
My astilbe is also gone, crisp and brown! Thalictrum is one of my favorites, but it's getting shorter every year (I heard the same from another gardener). I like how your thalictrum is supported by Smokebush!
It's a good idea to rearrange flowerbeds and borders in September, while we remember what grows where. I usually wait till spring and always make some mistakes. I should say that I like your border, but you know better.
I hope we'll see your mystery plant blooming soon!

Nadezda said...

You have many treasures in your garden Joy!
Lovely photo of coneflowers, you're a good photographer. I also liked indigo, never seen it before, only knew about indigo paint.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Lisa girl ...thank you ! but the droughty conditions have finally made an impact on the corylus .. it has a few brown leaves .. but I will keep an eye on it, I refuse to lose it and it refuses to be lost ! haha

Hello Angie girl .. that is strange thalictrum won't grow for you there .. have you tried a few different types? .. I am lucky with mine , I had one years ago, the fine foliage type like this and it was magnificent .. ever since that I had to have one .. totally smitten.
I am very ready for Autumn .. just a few modifications because of height differences, nothing shocking ! LOL Thanks !

Hey there Robin girl .. yes Cheyenne is a little different to work with so I have most of mine in one area .. I do love it though .. so bright and cheerful.
I have to make sure the temps are good and cool in September before I start moving things and that is something we are never sure of .. could have one more blast of heat even later in that month .. ugh !

Kathleen girl thank you : ) you are too sweet and so are the rest of the bloggers saying that too ... no radical changes .. just height problems that keep other plants from being seen .. thank you so much for the camera information ! .. I am still trying to make up my mind about it all .. I think the Rebel makes me work harder to get good pictures . sounds weird I know. It is hard judging your own pictures ..we tend to be more demanding right ?LOL .. so I have to give this a chance yet I guess. Yes ! I want to invest in a good filter and lens.

Rose girl (thank youo so much !) I love the slant you take on bad memory problems .. I am so in that rut lately and ? what ever this plant turns out to be (and now I am thinking golden rod too ..) it was mislabeled for sure ! but now I can't remember what the original plant was supposed to be .. I have every years tags but holy smokes which would it be ?

Tatyana girl I was just over at your place and saw those gorgeous pictures .. you plants don't look like they were stressed at all ... that mini me pineapple plant in the tea cup is so darn sweet !
Yes I have never had astilbe fry like that before .. but I am sure the roots are fine and they will come back next Spring .. fingers crossed !
Thank you so much ... but it is just a simple swap out here and there because of the height thing ... I get crazy with small details like that .. I wish I didn't !

Hello there Nadezda girl and thank you so much : ) I'm sure it might grow for you up there.
It is a great plant from foliage to flowers to seed pods .. I call them "black rattlers" they are really interesting !

Patty said...

Hi. I think the goldenrod is a good guess. My guess (not as good) is aster. Hopefully it will bloom soon.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hi Patty girl ... I am thinking this is the way it will go with this plant .. and actually I don't mind where it is in it's new location .. it fooled me because it is so tall and of course the mislabeling thing did it in the first place ! LOL
Will post picture when it decides to bloom !

outlawgardener said...

We're finally getting rain here too which is very unusual for August but we're all happy about it as we've had such a dry hot spring and summer this year. Can't wait to see that mystery plant bloom! Your garden is looking lovely as ever!

Jennifer said...

That mystery plant is sure holdings its cards close! I am as anxious to finally see what it is as you are!

Casa Mariposa said...

It's a wild aster. I have loads of them in the garden. :) I really love the pic of your bench. What a welcoming spot. :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello there Peter(the comedian : )
Thank you so much ! .. we are stuck in intensely hot/humid weather with NO rain .. I really should go out and water .. but that weather is a killer for me ... still waiting on the Mystery plant !

Jennifer girl (hope the trip was wonderful!) ... moving it probably disturbed the flowering .. still waiting !

Tammy girl .. I am leaning more to a very tall goldenrod now ... but it hasn't laid it's cards on the table yet ... BIG sigh !
Thank yu about the bench arbor ... it is a nice spot.