I have been such a terrible gardener of late ... the heat, and NO rain cycle, has me crazy .. well .. crazier than usual and that is BAD.
Ignoring all of that my gardens have been literally saved by the new sprinkler system and I am one grateful gardener.
So now that I have gotten the mea culpa over with ... on with what has been happening in the garden of late.
Mystery lilies have been such a smiling surprise : )
Poking through the "jungle"
"Update" on the name of said mystery lilies "Muscadet" ... a true beauty !
I really have to look up what name it is .. I love the simple beauty and those pink freckles.
I am still waiting for my Casa Blanca lilies to open which is setting a record for being late for the party this year !
The roses are doing better than ever (once we got over the ..ugh .. aphid thing)
I think they are loving the HEAT.
Climbing rose compassion is a beauty !
Other parts of the garden are also loving the heat I think .. they seem to be blooming their little boots off ..
The bees and insects galore have been in full party mode enjoying the buffet
My two smaller sized buddleia are enjoying their freedom to stretch out which in turn has me rethinking their positions .. too crowded is the flashing sign over head that I keep seeing of course.
A new plant I became enticed to buy was from Gracie's garden (Gardening with Grace) a lobelia that was impossibly PINK , her signature colour .. which seems to becoming mine as well.
It is an odd looking plant and I am not sure it will over winter but here it is.
Is that PINK or what ?
On to light blue ? .. I have fallen for this compact Japanese aster .. I hate dealing with asters that are too tall and floppy .. a pain in the garden butt ... this cultivar is perfect for me !
I highly recommend it !
Last shot to have a smirk over is our Sophie waiting ever so patiently for the incredible "Mr Chips"
Our trained ? (he trained us actually) chipmunk who has such a hoard of sunflower seeds I am in fear of what will irrupt out of the garden next year ?
In any case , the "dish" is set and so is Sophie !
Sophie is so cute there waiting for Mr Chips to make an appearance. I lovelove love your lily with the pink freckles. My poor Casablanca lily is only 2'tall. I don't know if I bought a different cultivar or what happened. It is it's first year in the garden. Hopefully it will grow taller next year so I can actually see the bloom. ;) The climbing rose we transplanted is doing great... so far. It actually has blooms on it. It is one that blooms during late spring and then sporatically during summer so this flush is greatly admired. I must say it doesn't have many leaves on it. Maybe next year it will be flush in all respects. So much to look forward to next year... like rain. We have just gone through a rough heat wave with no rain. It is only supposed to get up to 90F today. Now if we could just squeeze out some rain from that partly cloudy sky....
Oh love lilies so much. I have to wait all year now to see them again. Mine are long gone. I cut them every time one bloomed to take to my mom at the conv. hospital she was at. Everyone loved them there too. The Casa Blanca was the last one we took. It as the best of all. So big and pretty and smelled so good. My Mom loved it.
Your reaction to Mr. Chips is entirely different from my own reaction recently to see the first chipmunk ever at my house. There may have been swear words...And there was definitely shooing away. LOL
I love those yellow flowers :) they are my favorite!
Lovely lily "Muscadet" , Joy. It's always surprising to see these buds opening. isn't it? Your cat is cute and clever, she knows where to wait :)
Have a nice week with rain!
I have all the same plants as you in this post! Very cool! I love that lobelia. It's so vibrant. My chipmunks are fat and sassy and keep the dogs in shape by hiding where they can't find them after giving them a good run through the back yard. :o) Your garden is looking fabulous!
Hello Lisa girl !
Thank you so much .. Muscadet is the name of the lily and I am well impressed with the strength and vigor for a first year with them so I highly recommend them!
May it is just the tweak of the first year for your Casa Blanca .. I see my new ones aren't as "full" as my older ones .. but oh .. that scent is wonderful , I might add a few more to bulk up the bunch. Hang in there with them !
Your rose is so pretty and after being transplanted it probably just needs a little time for foliage and more flush .. where the rain went this year has been shocking, but we always think of next year being better so fingers crossed : )
Cindee girl .. I have been thinking of you and how you are getting along .. that is wonderful about the lilies for your mom, especially Casa Blanca, it has always been a favorite of mine .. a good memory to have now for you.
Robin girl you are too funny ... yes, I went through my "swear period" when he ate all the crocuses .. then I decided not to have crocuses any more .. because we get a kick out of him and feeding him/her? sunflower seeds keeps the little fur ball out of mischief .. now on the other hand the squirrels make me crazy !!
Hello there OE ... coneflowers .. Cleopatra in fact .. glad you like them : )
Nadezda girl.. still no rain .. I have never seen it this bad .. other places in Ontario have actually had flooding .. go figure!
Yes Muscadet (thankfully I took notes last year) ... I really like them and they don't seem to be offered this year for some reason ... glad I have them!
Sophie is an indoor cat (like all cats should be) so little Mr. Chips is safe from her!
Tammy girl Thank you so much !
I really enjoyed your "fling" post .. those hosta slayed me ! LOL
"Trowels" across the border sharing plants girl ! LOL ... We so get a kick out of Mr./Ms. ? Chips.. our only worry is neighborhood cats that are allowed to roam but we try to keep an eye out for him and he is QUICK as you know .. still waiting for rain .. BIG sigh !
'Muscadet' is a beauty! I've thought about adding this to my garden, but it's already so crowded I'm not sure where I would put it. I do have 'Casablanca,' though, one of my favorites; it has already finished blooming here. I can't complain about a lack of rain this summer, thank goodness, but the heat is about to do me in--plants are going to have to deadhead themselves:) That last photo of Sophie is priceless!
I've always loved lilies too, how can you not, right? Your cat is adorable.
Hello Rose girl !
My first lily was Casa Blanca so I have a soft spot for it .. but I really like Muscadet too now .. no rain still .. so hot we have HEAT warnings .. and I am so with you about dead heading right now .. my poor garden hasn't seen me do any work in way too long and it still won't for a while .. guilt guilt ! haha
Thank you Victoria : )
I have sparse plantings of lilies because of those wicked beetles .. but how could we not , as you say .. they are so beautiful.
I missed Sophie the first time I saw this post, also thought I commented...ha. I can see how she would be entertained by a chipmunk. Anyway, all looks great regardless of the crazy heat. Wild...never heard of a "heat" warning.
Patsi girl yes Canadians are sensitive people and have to be told it is too hot for us! LOL
Seriously though yes we have heat warnings !
Poor Sophie has been missing Mr. Chips .. a renegade squirrel has been crashing his party so Mr. Chips has been laying low for a while ... Sophie just keeps staring at the little table hoping to see him .. aaahhhh ! LOL
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