
Friday, 30 June 2023

It has been a while .....

 Fothergilla in later May with it's exceptionally sweet flower buds.

Epimedium "Niveum"  I am always drawn in by these dainty white flowers .
The scent of my Dwarf Korean Lilac tree is beyond description . 
It just makes me so happy to take it all in and enjoy those moments of appreciating my garden.
Mandarin Lights azalea is a shocking orange against all of my other plants, especially my dark dignified Japanese maple .. but I think they get along fine with each other.
Early June and the garden is leaping forward very quickly .. my Chinese Fringe tree in the background has almost finished flowering while the Serviceberry is forming fruit and the birds will be feasting.
The Royal Purple smoke tree looks like it has a ring of petticoats with it's flowers . 
How can you not smile at that thought ? Moulin Rouge Can Can Dancers ?
Goatsbeard was one of the first taller perennials that I fell hard for . I have planted three different varieties of lesser height, but still carry a lot of interesting features .
Eye of the Tiger Dutch iris .. I just wasn't as enthusiastic as I thought I would be for this one.
Allium Christophii was a new one this year and I have to say I'm fascinated by it .. it is like a mathematical equation in plant form ... very striking .
Stand by Me bush clematis , I wish I had taken more photos of the closed flower buds because they are such an impossible almost navy blue .
The other side of the garden, more shade than light but can still carry some intense colours.
Green Lotus peony ... my "wild child" after being rained on.
She cleans up beautifully.

At Last rose is blooming away oblivious to a bit of battering from the sprinkler system thankfully.
She looks amazing all frilled out with a glowing center next to Butterfly Kisses echinacea yet to bloom.

Martagon lily Arabian Knight , these tiny flowers pack a punch with their colouring and designs.
I think I have Fairy Morning next to it and I planted Snowy Morning on the other side of the trellis because I have a weakness for white flowers.

If  you look closely you will see the Martagons to the left side of the Korean Yellow Wax Bells along with the astilbe, hosta, brunnera, perennial geranium .. I have had that patch (wax bells) almost 20 years and I am wondering how much longer it will thrive ?
I guess I will finish this quickie post with Julia Child rose because for some reason her voice is in my head right now talking about the proper way to roast a chicken !

I don't have photos of the front or ally way garden .. some how the back gardens swallowed up all of my attention . Darn !!


Kris Peterson said...

Your garden is a marvel, CGJ! I love that unusual peony - the entire genus seems to hate my climate or soil, or both. That you have Dutch Iris blooming in June is yet another sign of how different your climate is from mine.

cheryl said...

Joy! I'm so happy to see you back. I've enjoyed your blog for years. You have such a green thumb or is it two and I'm always checking your plant lists. Thank you for naming your beauties. If you can find it, may I suggest Golden Columbine. I found it last year and it's been an amazing bloomer this year, now in its second flush. I do hope you're well, and like your beautiful garden, thriving. All the best, Cheryl

Nadezda said...

Joy, your garden is always beautiful, especially in summer. I love your martagon lilies and I'm waiting for my lilies to bloom. Dwarf Korean Lilac tree is amazing, I can imagine the smell in your garden. The tree with red leaves actually looks like a can-can. I painted this peony with watercolors, didn't I? He is beautiful. Happy summer and health.

Alana said...

A beautiful garden full of color and textures. A lot of these I have never grown. Continue to enjoy; hopefully the smoke hasn't impacted you (much).

RobinL said...

I’ve missed your posts, but so glad that I could “tour” your garden today. I’ve never known anyone to have Chinese Fringe Tree except for us! I dearly love mine. And At Last rose is a favorite of mine, I wish other roses were as well behaved.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hi Kris .. when does your Dutch irises bloom ? .. a lot earlier I would think yes ?
That peony is my favorite and earned me that spot of cover shot in the garden section of the brit paper the Telegraph .. it will always mean so much to m .. my "wild child" haha
I suspect your weather is too intense but you never know with new hybrids what may happen !

Cheryl thank you so much ! .. Yes I googled the Golden columbine and wow ! .. I have never seen it offered here or mail order but I will keep an eye out .. I love getting a couple of flushes from plants when ever possible and that would be perfect. Hey take care .. this long summer is going to stretch our nerves I think !

Hello there Nadezda and thank you ;-) Yes those Martagon give me a little thrill because they are so sweet. I look forward to them every year. My favorite every Spring is looking forward to that amazing scent from the Korean lilac .. it drifts through the back garden and you just want to stand close to it and inhale all molecules of the perfume, ha ha
Yes you did such a wonderful water colour of my peony .. so beautiful !! Take good care of yourself N !!

Hi Alana thank you so much ! we are all wondering when this season of wild fires will calm down let alone end .. the world is on fire and so many people just don't care.
Every time I look at my huge maple tree in the back garden I think of how much oxygen it provides for us and how much pollution it takes in .. most people don't connect with that but we as gardeners are more sensitive to the issue. Hopefully soon this will calm down. Take care!

Robin I was just over to your place ... BEAUTIFUL !! and the sky shots as well !
Hey having the same unusual tree is special (if I need advice about it I know where to go right ? LOL) .. Do you have an Eastern Redbud too ? .. I thought you did, I have just a baby right now but I love it to pieces, along with a Dogwood Pagoda my new babies ? haha
Yes .. At Last is a beauty indeed .. take care and enjoy today (4th of July)

Hoover Boo said...

Your garden looks very very beautiful. I always enjoy seeing plants that cannot grow in my climate and yours are so well grown and cared for besides. Your pathways too are so well designed. They have their own beauty without distracting from the plantings.

Snowbird said...

Your blooms have blown me away, stunning they are, especially the roses and iris!!!xxx

cheryl said...

Hi Joy, I found the Golden Columbine at either one of these two nurseries. it's north of Lanark, near Middleville. I'm thinking this is where I bought it. She has an amazing display garden, specializes in natives and winters over in her unheated greenhouses. I love going there!
The other is near Almonte. My gawd! Her display gardens are magical!!! and she is very knowledgeable.
This could be a good drive for your PA. Make a day of it and you won't be disappointed. Girl Guides Honour :) I'm in Perth by the way.
Feel free to delete once you've made notes. Cheryl