
Saturday, 28 August 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday (OK .. Saturday!)

I have been so preoccupied I have lost track of what pictures I have used for this meme .. I have jumped ahead of myself a few times and the DUH ? factor has weighed heavily upon me eekkk!
For this 'Shadow Shot" ... my variegated Solomon's Seal in partial shade .. I love this plant .. it truly is a backbone plant of my garden and gives me so much pleasure .. add some unusual lighting and it is perfect for this meme .. ?
Look at the other talented shooters on Tracy's blog Hey Harriet and be bedazzled ? wink wink with their magic : )
A tiny side line post (because of my Halloween fetish) ..
A pumpkin head, Halloween princess in gorgeous clothing with her own sparkly pumpkin to keep her company .. while sitting on a big fish (whose name is Lugosi .. Bela is in the garden) we don't need to discuss this do we ?
She waited for me to make up my mind these past few days, to actually buy her .. I am amazed she was so patient with me ? ;-)


Sylvia K said...

I love both of your shadow shots! The first one is breathtakingly beautiful! What a gorgeous plant! And the second brought me such a huge smile! Delightful! Hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend!


Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

What a fabulous plant! Another one for the list...

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Your shadow shot sunday has made me look at my photos a little closer. I always enjoy the shadows now.

Dani said...

Lovely shot.
Delightful moment in garden.


Rebecca said...

Happy weekend to you! Let nothing shadow your good humor and pleasant outlook :)

Your Halloween princess is quite fancy! I like her.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Sylvia ! Yes I just had to have two shots this SSS (the second is a sneak a peek for Halloween .. I can't help myself ? ;-) Solomon's Seal is an old plant "old" meaning absolutely wonderful of course ..hum .. I'll use that in reference to me now ?

Rebecca girl ! I thought you had this one ! .. I would get the variegated kind (the one I have) it just looks a little more wonderful with that creaming white addition !

Lisa girl this meme has made me look a lot more closely at my shots as well .. you will be surprised how much more detail you will really notice now !

Hello there Dani ! Thank you : )
I had some wonderful moments in the garden yesterday too : )

Thank you Rebecca .. I am beginning to heal a little more quickly at last and I had a wonderful time in the garden yesterday with husband .. I feel a lot more chippy ?? LOL

Randy said...

Oh to have Solomon's Seal that isn't burnt to a crisp. I love your pumpking princess. Sorry I haven't been around much lately, life has been getting in the way. :-)--Randy

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Dear Randy .. I am also very guilty of absence .. this injury makes sitting here a huge OUCH ! But I truly want to get back to visiting: )
I can sympathize with you on the Solomon's Seal predicament .. I would truly miss it if I couldn't have it here with me ! This picture doesn't really show the princess off as well as it should .. she is perfect : )LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Joy dear, I love your pleasantly plump Solomon's seal foliage. I can't help compare yours with my ragged, bug eaten, water deprived stand. Oh well... just proves you've got more going on than I do.

I see your Halloween purchase is Bela. She's quite lovely and oh so very patient with her owner. Maybe she's suffered from chronic pain too and can empathize with your ambivalence yet ultimate victory in providing her with a well-loved home. Like my spin?

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Grace girl ! .. I have just been very lucky that we have had enough rain these past weeks .. now we are in the strangle hold ? of a hot dry period so I'm sure my dear little ones will look rather ragged soon !
Love your spin on Princess Pumpkinhead : )and my hesitancy ? I was amazed to find her still in the store .. this picture doesn't do her justice though .. she and her outfit are so much prettier : )
I'm not a doll collector but she just worked her magic ? LOL

Anonymous said...

I usually don't care for dolls, but she is sweet.

A Wild Thing said...

Always enjoy your garden shots, so colorful...and yes, I love Halloween too, why is that, is it the Peter Pan in us...?!

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Sandy girl I am not a "doll" person either .. but something about her just called out .. I have to have her pose in a better setting to pick up more detail : ) she is special !

Sweet Repose hello there ! thank you very much : ) I think you could be right .. for me it was the best time of year as a child !

Darla said...

Nice shadowy photo...I do not have this plant but have admired it through garden blogs...cute princess.

Northern Beauty Seeker said...

Solomon's Seal is such an elegant plant, and yours looks stunning in the dappled light. Great shadow shot! :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Thanks Darla .. it takes a little while to establish but it is very worth it .. and Princess Pumpkinhead says thanks too ! LOL

Ms S thank you !
I am so glad to have planted it .. especially the variegated type .. it is a beauty isn't it : )