OK .. truth be told my poor husband has been subbing as my "garden PA" ... as in personal assistant.
I find myself in situations when my time frame for getting things done shrinks so quickly it is shocking.
I absolutely hate wasting time running for tools I missed or misplaced .. needing the hose ... needing a big refuse bag for ripped out weeds (lets face it I am lacking in that department sadly) but general plant matter that is headed for the city compost heap.
I was bent over in the front bed doing my best, after a huge struggle both hubby and I had ripping out an old vine on a side bed, that had to be redone from scratch .. believe me some vines route themselves to China and it is one heck of a mission to dig them out ! .. the ouch factor today for both of us is off the scale.
But I digress .. I said to husband .. forgetting how the neighbors can hear quite well on our street ..
" Sweetie I so need a garden PA just for a few weeks each Spring ... seriously ... a PA to run and fetch and clean up after me as I bulldoze through all the chores and missions I have !" he laughed of course.
I was serious ! ... a neighbor from across the street spoke up to me and said "you must have been an officer?" ... meaning I am very good at giving orders or organizing ? haha
Seriously how many of us would be in seventh heaven if we had such a being that would do all of that for us?
Clean up ... run and fetch ... and finally put everything away when we were done and lock up the shed ..
Help us up the deck stairs and through the door to the shower ... well maybe that is a bit too personal with the shower thing .. but for all the rest ? Hell YES !!!
It is a rain day today ... so we are moaning and groaning and resting up for the next few days that are not supposed to rain ... and the list of garden missions is HUGE once again.
Give me strength garden gods so I may do right by my garden and all the lovely plants !!
And ... maybe a garden PA is hiding in the garden some where ready to pop out and help me ? wink wink
Meanwhile ... just a few shots of the garden GROWING at light speed .. I can't work fast enough to keep up with plant supports and tying up !
We are going to have landscaping done with the flagstone foot path .. and maybe if the price is right redo our back fence so it is taller and more private ... that would be a dream come true (if I can't have a garden PA? )
I will relish the pathways and the dream of a new fence !
Bunny only charged me a carrot and a half for posing ... pretty good price right ?
A side bed crammed with hellebore and other goodies.
Spring rains brings such a lushness .. it is frightening !! eeekkkk ! How can I keep up ?
I haven't even gotten the compost or fresh mixed soil in the garden beds yet ..
Soloman's Seal literally stretches UP as we watch it ... please lets be reasonable garden of mine ... slow down just a wee bit and let me breath ?
Your garden is looking stunning!! There must be some joy in knowing that you both create all this without help, but I shall wish upon the next shooting star I see for a PA to magically appear on your door step xxx
Oooh, a garden assistant, I love the idea! I need one too. Now hubby helps me out tremendously, don't get me wrong. But then he gets involved in his own projects and he loses interest in mine. The nerve! I mean really, why does he need to mow the lawn? Let me know when you find someone for this job!
Yes I need a PA too. I would love a strong man for the job. Escort to the shower after a long day in the garden sounds perfect. I cold drink waiting near by also(-:
Its a lot of work here too. I am backlogged once again as usual also.
Love all your plants they always look so lush and healthy. Mine will be looking good till let me see...June? Then they will all fry. LOL Well lets hope we make it till July this year. (-:
I know what you mean Joy. You turn your head and something has grown another inch. My PA has his own garden routine and we tend to cover different chores and areas of the garden. Hi only fault is leaving trimmed cuttings from bushes and trees on the ground knowing I will end up cleaning it up afterward. Maybe that is my fault!
Long time no see :) How are you friend?
Your garden is looking so pretty and filling in so much. Just love it! . Things are growing fast now despite the cooler temps here. I have so much to do. LOL!
I could sure use a P.A. today. The lawn needs cutting in a desperate way and I HATE cutting grass.
It has been darned cold this weekend hasn't it? Last night you could see your breath!
The garden is rushing forward despite the cold and I find a few things have come and gone before I was able to take any pictures! Like you, I have soooo much work to do!!! Hopefully, today will be a good day to get a few things done. Happy Victoria Day!
Everything looks so pretty!!!! We have had rain here too and everything is responding. Love the bunny- too cute!!!!
Carrie girl thank you so much !
Yes .. I can honestly say I am a "madwoman gardener" that will plant you on the spot if you stand too still too long ? LOL
It is always a work in progress as I know you well know ! wink wink
Robin you are too funny but yes men have this thing either too involved mowing or not mowing .. can't they make up their minds ?
We so need PA help eh ?
Cindee girl I know you do need a PA .. you have so many things on the go with your garden it is amazing!! Hey we get the "fry" time too so you are not alone .. fingers crossed it won't come too soon and won't be so severe?
We can always dream right ?
Patty girl this has been one heck of an opener to the season .. too much too soon and I am getting tired already ? After all my moaning during the winter how dare I!! haha .. yes, the trimmings thing .. I tend to do that but I know I will be the clean up person my guilt runnith over ! haha
Hello there Ewa girl ! I came over to your blog and left a note : )
Lona girl(thank you!) we are having a little sprinkle right now after I planted a few more things ..(it is getting out of control yet again !)
Yes ... I still have so much more to do and the weeds keep snickering at me ? jeez !
Jennifer girl .. I am so with you about the lawn mowing .. thank heavens I haven't had to do that in ages .. and with getting rid of the lawn in the back garden ? yahooo! Yes .. missing pictures because the garden is leaping forward so quickly .. and I have bought more plants .. I am insane, we are having a sprinkle of rain as I type here .. nice !
Happy V Day to you too girl .. hope you got your chores out of the way : )
Hello Kacky : ) Thank you ! .. it is raining just this minute now too .. I love the sound especially after I got some plants in before it happened : )
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